Pro 575 Not Achieving Temperatures

Bad news, even with the update the high temps are still a huge problem. The other day I was able to achieve 400 deg when the controller was set to 450. Tonight I put some steaks on, but with the controller at 450, the grill is only getting to 350. A tin foil wrap didn't help.
Well that’s disappointing. I got the update last weekend. Worked well at lower temps but couldn’t get it passed 402 degrees. Haven’t used it since. Now I’m curious if it will hold lower or do like yours.
After numerous attempts to achieve the temperature that the pro 575 grill is supposed to be at and numerous emails and a final call to customer service, we sadly returned our grill to Home Depot yesterday, they refunded no questions asked. Traeger Customer Service stated they are still working on the temperature issue and it was unknown when the fix would happen. We didn’t want to wait months for a fix. We are now contemplating the 2018 Pro 34 Series which does not appear to have anything but stellar reviews.
Yup having the same issue. This is pics of today and that's a new D2 control I just got yesterday

Had to set the D2 to 260 to reach 225 cooking temp..


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as long as you register your grill via wifi it should update automatically

Its registered and still hasn't updated.

Just got off the phone with Customer service (hour phone call). They too are frustrated with Treager because the TS they have are very limited, more limited then what we have as consumers.

For the firmware update the reps supervisor said there is no way they can push the update out. The Smoker will do it on it's own. My smoker has been on for 8 hrs now and still no update. Their suggestion was to leave the smoker on overnight and "hopefully" itll update.

Temperature issue; Since the new RTD didnt fix the issue they had me wipe the temp prob with distilled vinegar, no luck. So now they are sending me a new temperature prob. Once I get it, install it I'll come back and give you all an update..
Well the update didn't really solve anything for me, so don't hold your breath on that. I have a new RTD coming, but it sounds like that won't bring much resolution either. Sigh.
Well the update didn't really solve anything for me, so don't hold your breath on that. I have a new RTD coming, but it sounds like that won't bring much resolution either. Sigh.

Hopefully itll fix your issue. The Rep told me that this is the number 1 issue for the 575. Calls all day about it is what she told me..

I have faith they will resolve the issue.
I sure hope so. I had an older Traeger for more than 10 years without any problems except an occasional hot rod replacement. I'm doing some ribs right now and have to have the controller set to 220 to get the grill temp up to 180. I'd feel better if the support reps gave an indication that Traeger actually knew where the problem was instead of seemingly swapping out parts at random.
This is my first traeger. After many years of pondering to get one and my father telling me to just get one I finally did. Kinda upset that I did now. But holding on hope of a fix..

Iam running a brisket now. Have to have mine set at 260 just to make 225 at grill temp. 7lb brisket has been in now 8hrs!!!!!
They sent me a new RTD a while back. Same results. Firmware update helped a little. T support said run the grill at 180 and put the meat probe on the grate to see if temps match ?‍♂️. I’m using 3 different ambient probes. I know it’s off. Long story short, I don’t think it’s the controller or the RTD. Just have to be patient and wait for them to fix the firmware.
I've had a 575 for a week, it's at firmware 01.01.01, and is having the same challenges as others posting here. Actual temp is approx. 30% lower than displayed temp. 450 = actual 350. Any further news on additional firmware upgrades? I'm going to call customer service to formally report my experiences tomorrow. Sounds like they'll want to send me a temp sensor unit to swap in which will do nothing......
I just smoked ground beef jerky this afternoon on my Pro 575. I set the grill at 200F and ran it for two hours. Kept right on 200F the whole time and my cheapo oven thermometer showed about 185F or so. Lots of smoke too at this temp. I do agree there still is a gap at higher temperatures. When I set it to 425F the oven thermometer shows about 390F.


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I just had a very interesting FB Messenger post from Traeger just now:

"Kirk, A new controller or RTD probe wouldn't work as there isn't an issue with the way the grills operate, just a misunderstanding of how the grills work. We have pushed an update to the grills fixing minor bugs and adding hot weather code. This should alleviate some temp concerns. Please make sure your grill is connect and updated to the newest firmware."

I wonder if another firmware update is coming or if he/she is referring to the last one which didn't really fix anything. The take-home message seems to be however that one shouldn't expect the temperature inside the grill and what is reported on the controller to match....
Oh, also, I just assembled my new RecTec Stampede and am about to start the burn-in. Wow, talk about a stainless steel tank.

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