Pro 575 Not Achieving Temperatures

I also received the update for my 575. Went out and fired it up to see if it made any difference. I noticed that it seemed to be holding lower temps better and also accurate within a few degrees of my secondary ambient probe. Ramped it up to 225 and it held steady, but my second probe was still reading 200ish. Ramped up again to 450. Traeger showed right at 450, but my second probe would not get above 400..... UGH!!!! Is anyone else seeing anything different?? Was really hoping this would be the solution....
maybe a bad probe. get an oven thermometer and place it right next to the rtd
maybe a bad probe. get an oven thermometer and place it right next to the rtd

Could very well be a bad probe. Just to clarify, it was not the Traeger probe, this was a secondary ambient probe that I had right next to the RTD. Just got to work a bit ago and will retry with a regular oven thermometer when I get home. Crossing my fingers that it’s an issue with my other probe and all is fixed with our grills!
Could very well be a bad probe. Just to clarify, it was not the Traeger probe, this was a secondary ambient probe that I had right next to the RTD. Just got to work a bit ago and will retry with a regular oven thermometer when I get home. Crossing my fingers that it’s an issue with my other probe and all is fixed with our grills!
Got the updated firmware. Cooked jerky at 165 and it matched my ambients and held temp well. Finished jerky and raised it to 450. Grill said 450 but ambients said 402. Much better than before. I really don’t care to go that hot anyway. If I need high temps I use one of my other grills. Now am going to do chicken wings at 225. Will post results afterwards. Initial impression is for the most part, the firmware update is good.
Seems steady.


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Just tested after the update - things are certainly better. With the controller set to 450, I can at least get to 400 (measured with a Thermpro probe). If I put a piece of foil over the thermocouple (open end), that buys me about 12 more degrees. At least it's useable for steaks now since before I could barely get to 350 deg. Looks like my data agrees with the above post by Brbeck13
Just tested after the update - things are certainly better. With the controller set to 450, I can at least get to 400 (measured with a Thermpro probe). If I put a piece of foil over the thermocouple (open end), that buys me about 12 more degrees. At least it's useable for steaks now since before I could barely get to 350 deg. Looks like my data agrees with the above post by Brbeck13
My results the same as yours and Brbeck13, better but still low. Did burgers last night, smoked for a bit at 200, then ramped up to 450. Internal stayed around 400, better than before. Burgers were great though.
What I mostly want is to be able to trust the temp. Most of my cooks are in the 325-350 range. At 350, I expect certain things to be done in X amount of time. I'll be doing some chicken thighs tonight and see how it does at 350.
Have tried the foil tube trick a few times, doesn't seem to do anything for me.
Got the firmware update. Set temp for 180. Grill went to 200 or so then dropped to 104. Fan is cycling.

No joy.
Got a low temp error and without intervention the grill ignited and went to 460 on its own after which it cooled down and apparently shut off.

I cleaned the interior removing all ash and restarted with temp set to 225. So far it is holding within a few degrees of 225 but two independent probes within an inch of the built in RTD reads 30 degrees lower.

Lowered the temp to 210 and it appears to hold the temp and getting what appears to be decent smoke but again the two independent probes read 30 degrees lower. Added a third temp and same results.

Is the grill useable....yes. Is it acceptable....NO.
Got a low temp error and without intervention the grill ignited and went to 460 on its own after which it cooled down and apparently shut off.

I cleaned the interior removing all ash and restarted with temp set to 225. So far it is holding within a few degrees of 225 but two independent probes within an inch of the built in RTD reads 30 degrees lower.

Lowered the temp to 210 and it appears to hold the temp and getting what appears to be decent smoke but again the two independent probes read 30 degrees lower. Added a third temp and same results.

Is the grill useable....yes. Is it acceptable....NO.
Are you updated to the new 01.01.01 firmware that they pushed out over the weekend?
Here's what my pro 780 is doing. From the time the grill ignites to preheating, the temps are spot on - within a degree or two. A few minutes before it reaches close to the set temp, that's when its off. At 200 its reading 190 on my thermometers. Had to set it to 240 to get 225 temp. Before the firmware update, it was 30 to 40 degrees off in that range. so a big improvement but still not there yet. Haven't tried the higher temps yet.
Can someone post a picture of the Pro 575 with the updated firmware. Louisiana dealer has not heard of update. The Rep for Traeger has ordered a probe for my Pro 575 to correct these 50 to 80 degree temp difference. I don't have internet so how am I suppose to get this upgrade?
Can someone post a picture of the Pro 575 with the updated firmware. Louisiana dealer has not heard of update. The Rep for Traeger has ordered a probe for my Pro 575 to correct these 50 to 80 degree temp difference. I don't have internet so how am I suppose to get this upgrade?
Here you go.


Bad news, even with the update the high temps are still a huge problem. The other day I was able to achieve 400 deg when the controller was set to 450. Tonight I put some steaks on, but with the controller at 450, the grill is only getting to 350. A tin foil wrap didn't help.

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