Pro 575 Not Achieving Temperatures

I’m two hours into smoking another 3lbs of beef pepperoni sticks this morning. My Pro 575 is set to 200F. RTD has been slowly cycling up and down between 185F and 210F. Smoke increases and decreases nicely. You can see from the photo that the oven thermometer is showing about 187F. I’m sure it would vary a bit if I moved it to a different spot inside the grill. The grill does very well at low temperatures and anyone who likes to slow cook would be satisfied with the way it is operating right now. The temp gap is mostly an issue at higher temps and I am only seeing a 30F - 40F gap at 450F. The gap is hard to measure because it really depends where the oven thermometer is sitting. The other point is that you have to use a temp probe that is designed to specifically measure air temp. Most of the probes I see people using to test their grills are contact probes that are designed for meat temperatures. Might be why there is such a big variation being reported.


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some CS reps are making stuff up since they don't know what the resolution is. i emailed back and forth between 4 different reps. the last one knew what was going on and told me my issue was a bad rtd. i have the one that has the bare wire. average temps are off by 30 degrees. funny thing is that its pretty stable all the way through until i open it up to spritz or wrap the meat. it will shoot up 100 over the set temp after closing the lid. i had to open the lid again to settle it down a bit. This sounds like a controller problem.
some CS reps are making stuff up since they don't know what the resolution is. i emailed back and forth between 4 different reps. the last one knew what was going on and told me my issue was a bad rtd. i have the one that has the bare wire. average temps are off by 30 degrees. funny thing is that its pretty stable all the way through until i open it up to spritz or wrap the meat. it will shoot up 100 over the set temp after closing the lid. i had to open the lid again to settle it down a bit. This sounds like a controller problem.
I think you are one of the unlucky people who got a bad RTD. Looks like the bad ones all have the bare wires. After using this thing for a few months I will say that vacuuming out the fire pot very regularly and sticking to Traeger pellets (from a store that has lots of turnover) eliminates many potential issues. I was in Lowe’s yesterday to pickup a folding shelf for my 575 and noticed that the pellets they had for sale all looked like old stock with lots of sawdust in the bags. I also looked at a few of the alternate brands and noted that there were too many extra long pellets that might cause issues with the auger. I’m sticking to Traeger brand for now and will buy them from one of their Platinum dealers who sells in high volume.

So is the meat probe necessary when cooking? Other then to read internal meet temp. Does it effect the way the auger feeds the fire pot and regulate the temp? Also does the Pro 575 really measure temp in three places and make adjustments as needed?
So is the meat probe necessary when cooking? Other then to read internal meet temp. Does it effect the way the auger feeds the fire pot and regulate the temp? Also does the Pro 575 really measure temp in three places and make adjustments as needed?
You don’t need the external meat probe to cook. It just monitors the internal temp of the meat. You can use a standard meat thermometer to do that.

There is only one temp probe inside the grill. I believe Traeger calibrated this sensor using three different test points in the grill so that the display on the D2 controller shows a computed average inside the grill vs the actual temp right beside the probe itself.
For those having issues with temperature, another thing to check is the hotrod in your firepot. Make sure it’s sticking out 1/8” to 1/4” from the tube. I read some from the factory were installed incorrectly inside the tube. If you look at my photo, you can see mine sticks out about 1/4”. Worth checking just to cross that potential issue off the list.

There is a video on Traeger’s website showing how to replace and adjust this.

Just passing along info as a find it.


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I'm hoping the same results. But the grill has the most recent firmware, hope it's just a bad rdt. But the lies and denial from CS is a joke, Just admit yes there is a problem and be on top instead of being looked down on for lying . I will be giving them a call again on monday and asking for a replacement probe. But keeping an eye on those that are getting them first. lol
If you can return the Pro 575 you should do it ASAP. I returned mine after owning it 3 weeks and have never looked back. I love Treagers but for now I am sticking with the Pro 22. I know what it’s limitations are and am okay with it. Sometime in the future I consider purchasing a Pro575, but for me I am sleeping well knowing I got my money back!
You don’t need the external meat probe to cook. It just monitors the internal temp of the meat. You can use a standard meat thermometer to do that.

There is only one temp probe inside the grill. I believe Traeger calibrated this sensor using three different test points in the grill so that the display on the D2 controller shows a computed average inside the grill vs the actual temp right beside the probe itself.

Thank you. That's what I thought. Traeger CS told be that it aids how much the auger outs in the pot. LoL
So here is a first. The D2 Controller on my Pro 575 shows 382F and the oven thermometer inside the grill reads 405F. Proves my theory that it depends where you take a reading inside.


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So here is a first. The D2 Controller on my Pro 575 shows 382F and the oven thermometer inside the grill reads 405F. Proves my theory that it depends where you take a reading inside.

They say the left side (exhaust side) is always hotter.
Tonights fire.

Zucchinis with olive oil salt and pepper
2 pieces of mahi mahi withbonly pepper seasoning.

From a cold start door closed set teml to 450 and ignited it. Once 450 was achieved I let it run for another 15min while at 450.

Put everything on at once at 6:10pm by 6:35pm I pulled them all off. Used a probe on the fish and pulled them off at 147° internal temp.

Now the receipe calls for the fish to cook at 425 for 12 to 15 min. I nearly went double all while the overall internal temp never got above 350°. I set it on the exhaust side 325°, hopper side 325° and smack dab in the middle on the upper rack 345°.

I truly believe something is seriously wrong with this line of grills.

Talked to the place I bought it from and sent the the receipt pic of the smoker and serial number and pic of firmware on display. They said they would contact traeger and see what they can do.

Everyhing was ok. But the time it took was really off. At 450 should of been done much sooner.
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I guess I have joined this crowd. Just bought the Pro 575. Cooked the 70 minute chicken.......took almost 3 hours. Wished I had seen this forum before I purchased it. Internal temp is almost 100 degrees colder than what the controller shows. RTD in it is the bare ended wire one. Contacted Trager... they told me it needed a new RTD and they were out of them. Told me to contact them in 3 to 4 weeks.. They should be contacting me, don’t you think??? Had this grill just few days and unusable!
I guess I have joined this crowd. Just bought the Pro 575. Cooked the 70 minute chicken.......took almost 3 hours. Wished I had seen this forum before I purchased it. Internal temp is almost 100 degrees colder than what the controller shows. RTD in it is the bare ended wire one. Contacted Trager... they told me it needed a new RTD and they were out of them. Told me to contact them in 3 to 4 weeks.. They should be contacting me, don’t you think??? Had this grill just few days and unusable!
If possible you need to return the grill and get your money back. You can always purchase it again “if” Traeger corrects the problem. I know I have posted this suggestion several times. I hope you can get your money back. What is really irritating me is Traeger is still sending emails telling us to buy a grill that they know is faulty.
I have a ironwood 650 being delivered on Wednesday.
Is this temp problem limited to the pro 575, or all WiFire units?
Should I be concerned ? I just went through a week on the phone trying to get satisfaction on a new washer I just purchased that was faulty. I surely don’t want to go through that again.
I’d just as soon not except delivery.
Hopefully there’s no problem, I’ve heard and read nothing but positive reviews on Traeger grills, and so want to be able to cook out this summer and enjoy the smoker. . I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
I have the new Ironwood 850, the temperature issue on mine is temps on the low end around 225, its about 30 degrees off. But when I set it to 250 or higher it is usually with 10 degrees of the set temp. Hoping this is something that can be adressesd in a future firmware update since I have the current firmware.
Well received my package from Traeger but Instead of sending me a rtd they sent me a meat probe ??‍♂️ . Called customer service. Was fed the avg temp 3 different location line and that my 2 oven thermometers are wrong. Asked for a supervisor and was put on the “call back” list

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