I cannot connect via Wifire. I have tried everything already. Now what?

Hey, new here and my first Treager is a TL1300 that I purchased two days ago. I had problems connecting to the Wifire but I read on the Wifire diagnosing page (https://www.traegergrills.com/support/wifire-diagnosis-step-1), that if I saw the grill on my network, (TRAEGER-XXXX) then it was most likely my problem. I did see the grill on my phone. I reset the Wifire network settings (MENU > WIFI INFORMATION) and held the Ignite Button for 20 seconds and the first attempt to connect was successful.
I cannot even get mine to connect to our Wifi at all. I have tried the app instructions several times. Traeger customer service has been no help over the past couple weeks.

Does the app on your phone always swap from your home Wifi over to connect to the grill's Wifi after you scan the QR code and then tries to switch/ connect back to your home Wifi? After I scan the QR code and my phone connects to the Traeger wifi, it never gets to the home wifi.
I have the exact same problem. Did you find a resolution?
I have the exact same problem. Did you find a resolution?
How close is your grill to your router?

Are you sure that your current home wifi is set to 2.4Gs? My Traeger paired seamlessly but I had to set my phone to connect to my 2.4 network to get my InkBird to connect
How close is your grill to your router?

Are you sure that your current home wifi is set to 2.4Gs? My Traeger paired seamlessly but I had to set my phone to connect to my 2.4 network to get my InkBird to connect
I have a strong signal at the grill. I temporarily disabled the 5 GHz band on my eero mesh system which allowed only 2.4 GHz to be active. No dice.
Idk have you reached out to Traeger? They have a text chat option that they are pretty responsive to.
I have a strong signal at the grill. I temporarily disabled the 5 GHz band on my eero mesh system which allowed only 2.4 GHz to be active. No dice.
It could be the mesh system that’s making it not connect? I say this because in another group (Sonos) some of problem with connecting is because of mesh WiFi. I’m not an expert on this. I don’t use mesh. But on the Sonos page they state that some mesh system doesn’t work well with Sonos. I didn’t disconnect my 5G in order for Traeger app to work. I have both2.4 and 5 on my phone. I just clicked on the 2.4 and the app saw it immediately and connected. Same with my InkBird temp probe. As stated above you might have to bring your grill closer to your router. Or use a WiFi extender? Does the mesh use the 2.4g? Or 5 only? I don’t know anything about mesh.
When you do get your WiFi app up your next issue might be your temp probe off the Traeger box. Don’t bother with using the probe that comes with the grill. Buy a 3rd party temp probe. Good luck and welcome.
It could be the mesh system that’s making it not connect? I say this because in another group (Sonos) some of problem with connecting is because of mesh WiFi. I’m not an expert on this. I don’t use mesh. But on the Sonos page they state that some mesh system doesn’t work well with Sonos. I didn’t disconnect my 5G in order for Traeger app to work. I have both2.4 and 5 on my phone. I just clicked on the 2.4 and the app saw it immediately and connected. Same with my InkBird temp probe. As stated above you might have to bring your grill closer to your router. Or use a WiFi extender? Does the mesh use the 2.4g? Or 5 only? I don’t know anything about mesh.
When you do get your WiFi app up your next issue might be your temp probe off the Traeger box. Don’t bother with using the probe that comes with the grill. Buy a 3rd party temp probe. Good luck and welcome.
I have a mesh system that’s dual 2.4 and 5G, so I couldn’t “pick” just a 2.4 connection. In the end, it was the Traeger controller on my smoker that was the problem, and once they sent a new one, connecting was a piece of cake.
I have a strong signal at the grill. I temporarily disabled the 5 GHz band on my eero mesh system which allowed only 2.4 GHz to be active. No dice.
I do not have a mesh router so didn't encounter these problems, but I suggest you look at this thread about connecting to Eero mesh routers:
I cannot connect to my grill. Anyone else having this issue? I am on hold with Treager right now. When I called, it says to put the grill in standby mode for 24 hours. But I have no idea what standby mode is. So...I am call #23. Talk about frustrating. I cannot even wait for a call back since I am calling from Germany. Ugh.

Really Treager? WTF?
Be sure your firmware is up to date! Place a remote signal repeater by the opposite or adjacent wall or outside if possible. Good luck!
I have the exact same problem. Did you find a resolution?
I have had this issue many times. When I move my grills to new locations they never want to reconnect.
When connecting, the name on the grill wifi info should be the same as your router's.
Leave it alone for at least 4 hours, just leave it on standby, do not power off (I usually wait until the next day). The software needs to update even if there are none available.
Open wifi settings on the grill and forget network. Power off and restart. Turn on and ignite.
Now repeat the setup instructions.

This always has worked. Just frustrating you need to wait until the reboot.
Here is one step that helped me get a used Timberline 1300 from 2018 hooked up to my home wireless network.
First, I had my phone 'Forget' my 5GHz network, so that it would only connect to my 2.4GHz network during the app-bbq connection process. Not sure why I need to do that, because from a networking point of view it doesn't seem like a requirement.

The basic process that Traeger and Inkbird and other WiFi appliances follow is this:
- connect your phone to the appliance, and here your appliance is temporarily acting like a WiFi router
- the Traeger app asks you for the 4 digit number in you Controller menu, because that completes the Traeger-1234 name for the WiFi router mode inside the Traeger controller.
- given that name, the app connects to the BBQ, just like your phone would connect to your home wireless router
- once that connection is established, your Traeger app will send your WiFi home router name and password to the BBQ (because there is no easy way to type the password into the BBQ, via the control menu, it would be too painfully slow)
- Then the app disconnects from the BBQ, the BBQ tries to now switch modes and access YOUR home wifi router using the WiFi router name and password that the BBQ got from the app in previous step
- Now the app will assume that the BBQ is hooked up to the home wifi network, and it will now try to connect to the BBQ using the regular WiFi connection to the home Wifi system.

I kept having failing to ever connect to the Traeger BBQ using the Traeger app, which is the first step in the flow, and that stopped the whole game.

So here is what I did:
- tell your BBG to 'Forget' it's current wifi connection, or if a new BBQ, it should already be broadcasting it's name as a WiFi router
- just tap in your phones wifi settings, to see all other Wifi connections in the area. Be close to your BBQ. Guess what, you will see that Traeger-1234 name (1234 is replaced by the actual 4 digits in your BBQ Controller's WiFi status menu) listed as a WiFi service! Try to hook up to the Traeger as if it was a regular WiFi acces point, and use the UUID (again in the Controllers WiFi status menu) as the password.
- that got me connected and saved the Traeger grill as a WiFi connection. Now you can disconnect from the Traeger BBQ WiFi and go back to your regular 2.4GHz wifi network service.
- NOW, you can use the Traeger app to add the BBQ to your app, and you should see that that first step is now successful, the app connects to the Traeger perfectly using Android (I didn't test iOS) list of saved WiFi services, and then you'll see that the next step is now successful, which is sending your home WiFi router name and password to the BBQ, and all should go well from there.
Just bought my Costco Century 885 and am having all the issues mentioned.
I bought a cheap Netgear to run in 2.4 only. (Which you can do if you log in from a browser and turn off the 5ghz SSID.)
I still could not get connected. I will try moving the router within 1 foot of the smoker to see if that helps.

QUESTION: any thought on whether the 'Private Address' feature now used by iOS in wifi settings? I had an issue with that on another device and had to disable it.
Much time taken...just got mine and changed access points to Eero..
Great network..
Couldn't connect...
Spent hours..

On Traeger..forgot network

On Eero... set up guest network

Set up wireless again
Connected immediately..
Regular network must have some advanced security..
50 years of computer experience and stumped by a smoker...
Ended in victory!...on Christmas
When you see your Traeger connect to your wifi on the display is the first step. Now walk away and come back tomorrow...
The grill is updating and it takes a least 4 hours, sometimes longer. This has happened to me many times. Follow the steps again.
Patience is the secret and I'm short there too.
I cannot connect to my grill. Anyone else having this issue? I am on hold with Treager right now. When I called, it says to put the grill in standby mode for 24 hours. But I have no idea what standby mode is. So...I am call #23. Talk about frustrating. I cannot even wait for a call back since I am calling from Germany. Ugh.

Really Treager? WTF?
What model so you have? Need to make sure you have the updated software.
I had DoT enabled in my asus router and that prevented my older ironwood from connecting properly. The wifi symbol on the display was green to indicate that it was connected but still it wouldn't show up in the app.