Guess what!? Traeger has now escalated my WiFire connectivity issue to "corporate." That was after many, many calls and hours wasted troubleshooting, and arguing with "tech support" until I just wanted to scream. Based on how many people on here have reported the same problems, they've been more than aware for a long time that it wasn't user error, or just some isolated incident. And they have clearly known that the problems I was having were not because I have a dual band router, or, that my grill is (God Forbid) outside. It was rooted in what hungry87 shared above:
- Anyone who has built any IoT device knows the limitations of these chip sets. Firmware issue aside, the connectivity issues everyone is having here is due to the ESP8XXX Wireless module in the grill. It's designed for low power IoT applications, short range unimpeded transmission. It is not designed to be encased in steel, running outdoors far away from an access point. Hence why having a 2.4GHz access point nearby causes a lower level of incidents.
- Traeger needs to build a new base board with a better chip set with external antenna capability, and put an antenna that fixes to the outside of the unit. A bonus would be to redesign the new hardware stack around Amazon IoT (which is their back end now).
I need a beer.... or a 6-pack.