Add a "Smokin-It" Cold Smoke Generator to Timberline 850

Hey Guys..... I’m still working on getting where you both are at but I’m having a hard time finding a stainless steel tube with the correct dimensions. Is there a reason why you guys did not use aluminum tube?
316 Stainless Steel Round Tube, 1" OD x 0.083" Wall x 12" is what i found at Ebay
google that see if it helps
This is what I bought, showing unavailable now;

  • 316 Welded Stainless Steel Round Tube
  • 1" OD x 0.120" Wall x 0.760" ID
  • Length: 24 inches
  • Finish: Cold Finished, Annealed and Pickled
  • Wall Type: Welded
The internal ID of 0.76" fits over the Bella smoke tube beautifully.

Any reason why you both did not use aluminum?
I forgot to answer that, Aluminum is almost guaranteed to melt in that area of the grill, just too hot there.

Here's the before and after photos of when I tried some aluminum angle stock;


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I’ve been watching Amazon for weeks now but that tube is not available. I’ll have to check eBay like Slimpicker said
Any reason why you both did not use aluminum?
Aluminum melting point is 1200 degrees Fahrenheit, 316 stainless melting point is 2500 degrees Fahrenheit, some points in the grill may get hot enough to melt Aluminum. You'd have to have something seriously wrong to melt stainless.
Check out industrial supplies. You could find most nearly everything in their nearly two inch thick catalog back in the day.
When one goes to the Smokin-it website:

there are actually two models of the cold smoker on offer. The Bella is 4" x 4" x10" @ $128.99 and the Sable XL which is 4" x 4" x 16" for $224.99. There are also parts.

Just curious why (other than initial cost) no one has used the larger Sable XL for a longer smoke period?
Frankly, the Standard Bella runs a long time! Mine ran well over 12 hours plus it's easy to add more fuel.

The larger one may also be harder to mount.
Wonder if a spring baffle would help air flow through the box?

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