What's for dinner tonight? Dinner ideas?

First Brisket of 2022, cookin in the 20's here in Texas. Sure uses a lot more pellets than when it is 80 degrees outside.

What’s the on the far right?
Sorry to highjack but that’s a probe tree and has ambient temperature probe. The upside down Christmas tree looking part is a graduated silicone wedge that fits between any sized grid. And there’s holes in the post to run probes through holding them securely.
Sorry to highjack but that’s a probe tree and has ambient temperature probe. The upside down Christmas tree looking part is a graduated silicone wedge that fits between any sized grid. And there’s holes in the post to run probes through holding them securely.
This would be better than the clips that make you place the probes parallel to the bars and take up more real estate
This would be better than the clips that make you place the probes parallel to the bars and take up more real estate
They do allow more versatility in the probe placement because the probe holders can be rotated 360 deg. Around the post. I think bbqguru sold them at one time. Maybe google probe tree.
Nice! That’s how I like to roll too. Upper rack all the way. Pan underneath. You wrapping? Wrap in pan? More pics to come?

Wrapped at 170 in butcher wrap and pulled from Traeger at 204 degrees. Wunnnerful Prime brisket. Paid only $37 for this puppy last year. Yes, that is a BBQ Guru Probe Tree I use. Very handy at placing probes in the Traeger or Big Green Egg.


Wrapped at 170 in butcher wrap and pulled from Traeger at 204 degrees. Wunnnerful Prime brisket. Paid only $37 for this puppy last year. Yes, that is a BBQ Guru Probe Tree I use. Very handy at placing probes in the Traeger or Big Green Egg.

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May I ask you if you smoked fat cap up or down, haha, im on the fence as to which way I want to go from now on after doing both I can not decide, and your brisket looks awesome !!! I noticed less smoke ring with fat cap up, just trying to work through the different options .Thanks.
May I ask you if you smoked fat cap up or down, haha, im on the fence as to which way I want to go from now on after doing both I can not decide, and your brisket looks awesome !!! I noticed less smoke ring with fat cap up, just trying to work through the different options .Thanks.
I always do fatcap up.