Dinner came out great in the end! Having the Fireboard makes disaster recovery easy, after I restarted the grill it behaved normally. The ribs took longer but I just drove by the temps, the needle probes are the bomb.
My analysis of my flame outs;
My grill is insulated, it's also the smaller 850 size model. This gives me a heat issue. The grill is so efficient that adding more heat, smoke tube, sunlight, conspires to add enough extra heat that the controller drops the feed rate to the point of flame out on low temp cooks.
I had the grill set at 180F but it was running over 200F when it flamed out. I have only had flame outs and unstable temp regulation when using smoke tubes at low pit temps.
Stock grills leak enough heat to give the controller more bandwidth to add heat as needed. But even stock grills can have low temp struggles on hot sunny days.
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