Wagyu Beef Tallow - The ultimate Brisket secret?

No, I don't plan to! But watching Jeremy makes you want to own one and try.
Maintaining that fire every 45 minutes to an hour is a lot of babysitting.
DUDE I WANT ONE!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍
That is a Lyfe Time triple offset. Weighs around 1800 pounds, and was around $4000 when I bought it in 2001.
Extremely tight, doesn’t leak smoke at all, and the vertical can do amazing ribs and sausages. Used to cut and split my own post oak and mesquite for it.
That is a Lyfe Time triple offset. Weighs around 1800 pounds, and was around $4000 when I bought it in 2001.
Extremely tight, doesn’t leak smoke at all, and the vertical can do amazing ribs and sausages. Used to cut and split my own post oak and mesquite for it.
It is not practical for me at this stage in my life, but just like Timmy I want one!!! Particularly, the Franklin one:
It is not practical for me at this stage in my life, but just like Timmy I want one!!! Particularly, the Franklin one:
I don’t care for that particular pit. Would be very difficult to manage the temp in that. Smaller the pit, the more difficult temp management is. If they made a 500 gallon model, I might take a look at that.
Check out Millscale pits.
I don’t care for that particular pit. Would be very difficult to manage the temp in that. Smaller the pit, the more difficult temp management is. If they made a 500 gallon model, I might take a look at that.
Check out Millscale pits.
Yes, I saw that! Absolutely loved it!!

The thing about the Franklin pit is that it is as easy to manage the temperature as a 500 gallon one. At least according to Jeremy Yoder.
Yes, I saw that! Absolutely loved it!!

The thing about the Franklin pit is that it is as easy to manage the temperature as a 500 gallon one. At least according to Jeremy Yoder.
Maybe, but I don’t see how. A bigger pit heats and cools much slower. Are you talking about the mad scientist guy?
If so his favorite pit is a 500 gallon Fatstack pit.
Maybe, but I don’t see how. A bigger pit heats and cools much slower. Are you talking about the mad scientist guy?
If so his favorite pit is a 500 gallon Fatstack pit.
Yep, The Mad Scientist. If you go to his YouTube channel, you will see he recently did a whole series of videos on the Franklin pit.

I do get your point, this is a lot of work. A long time ago I lived in the South for several years and met pit masters. The skill level and the equipment needed for what they did was extremely intimidating and I didn't think I could ever get into this.

What the current generation of Traegers have done is allowed us to master some of the skills and we can now imagine/dream of climbing the mountain! If I had been exposed to Traegers as a young man I think I would eventually have done what you did: buy a 500 gallon offset smoker. I don't think this is feasible now.
That is exactly why I bought a pellet smoker. I’m getting close to 80, and offsets are just way to much work for me.
An overnight brisket would require you to be up all night babysitting. The Traeger is just way to easy, and I can still enjoy all the great food I’m used to. Once the quirks are learned, using it is a breeze.
I think to many newbs give up on it way to soon.
I see way to many people get a new Traeger, unbox, season, and then throw a 20 lb. packer on it for their first cook.
It turns out like jerky, and they blame the smoker. THATS NUTS!
I would love to try an offset as well but I don't have the time to babysit it. I barely have time to help my neighbor babysit his BGE. But once the kids are mch older definitely will give it a crack at it. Nice pit @JamesB

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