Pro 575 consistently goes over set temp

I've had my Pro 575 for about 3 months and it's been awesome, we love it. But... in the last two weeks I've noticed it will not stay at set temp. This has happened a few times before the upgrade so I don't think it is upgrade related.
For example I will set it at 180 to smoke something for a while, I do the standard start it up set it and then let it go for at least 15 minutes so it settles out. Problem is, it never seems to settle down. It is consistently going to 220 or so when it is set on 180. It is pretty hot here north of Atlanta, usually 90 -95 in the afternoon/evening, but I have a large umbrella over it so it is not in direct sun. I can turn it down to 165 and it will still hover around 205-210.
It's driving me nuts that it is running that high over the set temp! I would completely understand 5 or even 10 degrees, but 40 ?!
When I crank it up to actually do some grilling it tends to do the same thing, maybe not quite as high over set, but about 20 or so above what the set temp is.
It is clean, good pellets, etc...
Anyone encounter the same issue or have anything I should look at before calling CS?
Thanks in advance!
I am having the exact same issue with my Pro575. Mine started doing this about the time of the latest firmware update. However, a third party oven thermometer tells me the grill is at 165 when I have it set to 165, but the digital readout reports 205 (As well as the ap on my Iphone). Called Traeger, got hung up on twice. They shipped me a new thermocouple, which I installed only to have the exact same issue. Called them again, hung up on once. Then a very pleasant young lady worked with me for an hour restarting the grill, Streeming with me, proving my point about the actual temp and the readout temp. She consulted with an engineer who told her to have me clean the entire inside of the grill. (Tell me how that will make the digital readout display the correct actual temp?!?!). I have cleaned the grill and will test it once again when time permits. Not buying the whole clean the grill suggestion, as I keep the grill clean at all times.
She consulted with an engineer who told her to have me clean the entire inside of the grill. (Tell me how that will make the digital readout display the correct actual temp?!?!). I have cleaned the grill and will test it once again when time permits. Not buying the whole clean the grill suggestion, as I keep the grill clean at all times.

Davwhite says to clean the probe after every smoke [click below]

Mine works like a dream, never had a problem in all my cooks. I made the mistake of not wiping the probe after each cook and this caused temp problems. Now I sit +/- 5F of my set temp. Just watch you don't hit the probe when you take out the tray to clean.

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Thats the “cage“. Not beautiful, but it works. Temps measured with a bluetooth Thermo are very close to the internal temp of the ironwood. So the accurancy is still good, we talk about differences of 5 degrees Celsius.

And the thermocouple is fully protected from being hit with the grate or the grease trap.

Please excuse my “german english“ :)

Here’s my version, ain’t perfect but it works and didn’t cost me anything.
Still waiting on the replacement thermocouple BTW. It’s been 6 weeks and still don’t know when I’ll get one. Thankfully this one still works.
Here’s my version, ain’t perfect but it works and didn’t cost me anything.View attachment 2413

Ummm I kinda made the exact same thing, but if yours is galvanized metal then it shouldn't be in your smoker "Apparently galvanized steel is coated in zinc and can give off toxic fumes when heated"

Yes it takes HIGH temps to create the fumes but if you cook at 500 that's pushing it.
Having the same issue with my Pro 575. I have had for 6 months and only recently noticed the huge discrepancy in the set temperature vs the actual temperature. I use the smoker frequently. I currently have it set at 165, the lowest temp setting, and the smoker has been running for ~30 mins and the smoker is reading 216 degrees.

I was affected by Traeger’s Memorial Day weekend update that bricked the smoker. I'm attributing this temperature variance to another poor software update that was pushed on 8/11/20.

Im running:
Firmware: V 02.01.03
Config: V 04.016

It seems to me like it has trouble keeping low temps when it's hot out. I'm using mine today for the first time in a couple of weeks and it updated the firmware when I turned it on. I am also on
Firmware: V 02.01.03 Config: V 04.016 and it seems to working well. It really slowed down when it got within about 20* of set temp so it didn't overshoot it and it's holding it well. But I continue to see a big variation between what my fireboard reads and what the controller reads, 25* difference when set at 250* and it gets worse at higher temps. I haven't cleaned the thermocoupler in a while but when I did I didn't see any improvement. I'll try it again next smoke and see.
I turned up the temp from 185 to 375 and it is holding where it should. So it appears my smoker is having issues maintaining low temperatures.
My Timberline only latest firmware also comes up to temperature slowly with no overshoot. My Fireboard temp comparison remains consistent at 15F higher at low temps but equal at high Temps.

Set grill 175F = 190F on Fireboard
Set grill 250F = 250F on Fireboard
I turned up the temp from 185 to 375 and it is holding where it should. So it appears my smoker is having issues maintaining low temperatures.
In high outdoor temps, the grill could have issues with low temps. The controller has a minimum pellet feed rate to maintain a fire. So if it's really hot out it may not drop below a certain point.
My Timberline only latest firmware also comes up to temperature slowly with no overshoot. My Fireboard temp comparison remains consistent at 15F higher at low temps but equal at high Temps.

Set grill 175F = 190F on Fireboard
Set grill 250F = 250F on Fireboard
Pretty much the same consistency on my IW650
In high outdoor temps, the grill could have issues with low temps. The controller has a minimum pellet feed rate to maintain a fire. So if it's really hot out it may not drop below a certain point.
Yea. I read that in other posts but it’s 83 degrees where I am at. I’m not sold on it being the outside temperature as the cause. If it was in the 100s maybe. I’m wondering if the latest firmware upgrade modified the P settings. Maybe they are trying to get “smarter” based off of the smoker temp making it variable based off temp. In any event, I can’t smoke below 225. I’ll make a note to pay attention in the coming weeks when the temperature will start to dip.
Yea. I read that in other posts but it’s 83 degrees where I am at. I’m not sold on it being the outside temperature as the cause. If it was in the 100s maybe. I’m wondering if the latest firmware upgrade modified the P settings. Maybe they are trying to get “smarter” based off of the smoker temp making it variable based off temp. In any event, I can’t smoke below 225. I’ll make a note to pay attention in the coming weeks when the temperature will start to dip.
Next time your grill is just sitting idle on a sunny day turn it on and look at the thermocoupler reading. I'll bet that at 83* outside on a sunny day you're looking at close to 100 internal temp. That makes for just a 65* increase in temp to get to 165, which it looks like the grill is not built to do. Mine sits around 220 when set at 165 on those days.
Next time your grill is just sitting idle on a sunny day turn it on and look at the thermocoupler reading. I'll bet that at 83* outside on a sunny day you're looking at close to 100 internal temp. That makes for just a 65* increase in temp to get to 165, which it looks like the grill is not built to do. Mine sits around 220 when set at 165 on those days.
Perhaps that's the case for some but I did a cook yesterday when the outside ambient was 108F. I set the IW for 250F but the Fireboard read only 235. Had to crank the IW up to 265F to maintain 250F on the Fireboard
Cooked some ribs yesterday and with a different starting temp of 180F, my 575 sat closer to 210. When it was required to go to 225F it sat +/- 5F. As someone said before the 575 has a problem at the low temps. Nothing to do with weather so it looks like this low temp is now confirmed. I wonder if Traeger reads this forum. They should and perhaps do something for the number of people with problems like this.

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