Pro 575 consistently goes over set temp

I've seen this problem with my 575 in my last couple of cooks. I've owned it less than two months and live in hot, humid South Florida.


Following the correct start-up process is very important as it can have many different affects on your cook, even hours in. Started incorrectly grills may experience temp swings, flame outs, and many other issues. Please review the below chart to find out which start-up process is used for your model.

Several grill models produced in 2016 or later now follow a simplified start-up process. See the table below, and instructions on how to find the model # (SKU) to see if your grill should use the new start-up method.

  1. Open hopper lid
  2. Look for the bar code sticker underneath the words "Attention Serial #"
  3. The first alpha/numeric combination is the model number, then separated by the year it was produced and the month.

If the model number is not found in the closed lid start-up process, assume it is an open lid process.

  1. When ready to cook, set your Traeger grill directly to the desired temperature and preheat with the lid closed for approximately 15 minutes.
  1. When ready to cook, set your Traeger grill to the smoke setting with the lid open
  2. Wait for the fire to establish (approximately 4-5 minutes)
  3. Close Lid
  4. Increase the temperature to the desired temperature and preheat for approximately 10-15 minutes

Timberline 850 D2TFB01WLE
Timberline 1300 D2TFB85WLE
Ironwood 885 D2TFB89BLE
Ironwood 650 D2TFB65BLE
Pro 575 D2TFB57GLE
Pro 780 D2TFB78GLE

Timberline 850TFB85WLBRenegade ProTFB38TOD
Timberline 1300TFB01WLBTexas Elite 34TFB65LZB
Timberline 850 D2TFB85LLDSelect EliteTFS60LZC
Timberline 1300 D2TFB01LLDHeartlandTFB52QCC
Pro Series 20TFB52PUDCentury 34TFB88PLD
Pro Series 22TFB57PZB
Century 22TFB57CLB
Pro Series 34TFB88PUB
SilvertonTFS62PLDLil' Tex Elite 22TFB42LZB
RangerTFT18KLDEastwood 22TFB42DVB
Eastwood 34TFB65DVCSelect ProTFS81PUC
Junior 20 (RoadShow)TFB29PLDSilverton (Roadshow)TFS62PLD TFS62PLDC

Timberline 850TFB85WLBSelect EliteTFS60LZC
Timberline 1300TFB01WLBLil' Tex Elite 22TFB42LZB
Pro Series 22TFB57PUB
Texas Elite 34TFB65LZB
Pro Series 34TFB88PUB
Century 22TFB57CLB
Renegade EliteTFB38TCAEastwood 22TFB42DVB
Select ProTFS81PUC
Eastwood 34TFB65DVC

Pro Series 22TFB57PUB
Lil' Tex Elite 22TFB42LZB
Pro Series 34TFB88PUB
Texas Elite 34TFB65LZB
Select ProTFS81PUB
Century 22TFB57CLB
Select EliteTFS60LZAC
I started reading this thread because my Ironwood 650 has overshot the setpoint for all three cooks so far. I would set for 225 and it would ramp up to 330 or 350 before I intervened. I opened the lid a few times and the temp finally settled in on the setpoint. I sure missed this when I went over the web site. My model number ends in BLF so, I guess by default I should have been using the Open Lid startup but I followed the owner's manual, which said to keep the lid closed for faster warm up. I guess Traeger is still using up older copies of the owner's manual.
I've had my Pro 575 for about 3 months and it's been awesome, we love it. But... in the last two weeks I've noticed it will not stay at set temp. This has happened a few times before the upgrade so I don't think it is upgrade related.
For example I will set it at 180 to smoke something for a while, I do the standard start it up set it and then let it go for at least 15 minutes so it settles out. Problem is, it never seems to settle down. It is consistently going to 220 or so when it is set on 180. It is pretty hot here north of Atlanta, usually 90 -95 in the afternoon/evening, but I have a large umbrella over it so it is not in direct sun. I can turn it down to 165 and it will still hover around 205-210.
It's driving me nuts that it is running that high over the set temp! I would completely understand 5 or even 10 degrees, but 40 ?!
When I crank it up to actually do some grilling it tends to do the same thing, maybe not quite as high over set, but about 20 or so above what the set temp is.
It is clean, good pellets, etc...
Anyone encounter the same issue or have anything I should look at before calling CS?
Thanks in advance!
Try raising the chimney cap a couple of turns. Increased exhaust might help.
I did some research on the D2 to confirm my suspicions. The D2 is a PID type controller meaning several things:
It should work irrespective of ambient temperature.
You shouldn't have to clean the RTD sensor
There's tradeoffs associated with controllers in how fast they achieve the setpoint. Wood fires are pretty hard to control as opposed to say gas. With gas you turn down the valve.
If you want it to reach setpoint fast, it's probably going to overshoot the mark and come back down and maybe overshoot again and return to the setpoint. If you want to hit the mark without overshooting it could take an hour. Better performance will cost more so I would say there's some cost avoidance in the design.
Personally, I think the recent problems some have had could be associated with firmware updates. I just got my grill last month so I couldn't speak to earlier performance. I just need to follow the open lid startup.
I've had my Pro 575 for about 3 months and it's been awesome, we love it. But... in the last two weeks I've noticed it will not stay at set temp. This has happened a few times before the upgrade so I don't think it is upgrade related.
For example I will set it at 180 to smoke something for a while, I do the standard start it up set it and then let it go for at least 15 minutes so it settles out. Problem is, it never seems to settle down. It is consistently going to 220 or so when it is set on 180. It is pretty hot here north of Atlanta, usually 90 -95 in the afternoon/evening, but I have a large umbrella over it so it is not in direct sun. I can turn it down to 165 and it will still hover around 205-210.
It's driving me nuts that it is running that high over the set temp! I would completely understand 5 or even 10 degrees, but 40 ?!
When I crank it up to actually do some grilling it tends to do the same thing, maybe not quite as high over set, but about 20 or so above what the set temp is.
It is clean, good pellets, etc...
Anyone encounter the same issue or have anything I should look at before calling CS?
Thanks in advance!
I have the opposite issue with the grill probe. Can someone post a picture of a working probe? When I installed a new one a few weeks ago, i removed the plastic tip and there was head on the probe (like the tip of a match stick), but after a few uses, the head is gone and just a single wire.
I have the opposite issue with the grill probe. Can someone post a picture of a working probe? When I installed a new one a few weeks ago, i removed the plastic tip and there was head on the probe (like the tip of a match stick), but after a few uses, the head is gone and just a single wire.

There is a ceramic cover on the end of the RTD/Thermocouple ... here is the one from our PRO 780 ...


  • IMG_2286.webp
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I have the opposite issue with the grill probe. Can someone post a picture of a working probe? When I installed a new one a few weeks ago, i removed the plastic tip and there was head on the probe (like the tip of a match stick), but after a few uses, the head is gone and just a single wire.
I found that the position of the RTD makes it vulnerable to possible impact damage on removal and replacement of the upper grill. I usually remove it if I'm not using it to minimize grease accumulation and I've slammed it with the grill at least once.
I found that the position of the RTD makes it vulnerable to possible impact damage on removal and replacement of the upper grill. I usually remove it if I'm not using it to minimize grease accumulation and I've slammed it with the grill at least once.

I'm thinking the FIREBOARD2 is in my future with the Threaded Ambient Probe probably mounted thru my wall under the smoke stack as a second/backup grill probe
I have the opposite issue with the grill probe. Can someone post a picture of a working probe? When I installed a new one a few weeks ago, i removed the plastic tip and there was head on the probe (like the tip of a match stick), but after a few uses, the head is gone and just a single wire.
Here's a Timberline probe. These are thermocouple temp probes, basically two dis-similar metals twisted together. The tip should have a ceramic bead to protect the tip of the wires.


  • Timberline Probe.webp
    Timberline Probe.webp
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I'm thinking the FIREBOARD2 is in my future with the Threaded Ambient Probe probably mounted thru my wall under the smoke stack as a second/backup grill probe
Nice, that would save threading an additional wire every time.
No, I have not seen anything before about cleaning that probe off. What do you use to clean it?
Clean with a damp cloth after each use, you will be surprised how dirty it can get. And be very careful when taking out the bottom shelf, you can easily knock the probe. Try that first then check the pellets so see if that are damp. If you don't already make sure your pellets are dry (don't store in a garden shed like I did!?
I've had my Pro 575 for about 3 months and it's been awesome, we love it. But... in the last two weeks I've noticed it will not stay at set temp. This has happened a few times before the upgrade so I don't think it is upgrade related.
For example I will set it at 180 to smoke something for a while, I do the standard start it up set it and then let it go for at least 15 minutes so it settles out. Problem is, it never seems to settle down. It is consistently going to 220 or so when it is set on 180. It is pretty hot here north of Atlanta, usually 90 -95 in the afternoon/evening, but I have a large umbrella over it so it is not in direct sun. I can turn it down to 165 and it will still hover around 205-210.
It's driving me nuts that it is running that high over the set temp! I would completely understand 5 or even 10 degrees, but 40 ?!
When I crank it up to actually do some grilling it tends to do the same thing, maybe not quite as high over set, but about 20 or so above what the set temp is.
It is clean, good pellets, etc...
Anyone encounter the same issue or have anything I should look at before calling CS?
Thanks in advance!
Make sure nothing is close to the temp probe on the side wall. I had the same problem until I noticed my smoking tube was too close to the probe and moved it away. No more problems.
There is a ceramic cover on the end of the RTD/Thermocouple ... here is the one from our PRO 780 ...
Thanks for the picture. Mine does not have the ceramic tip. see picture. I will contact Traeger and request another replacement.


  • Traeger Probe (2).webp
    Traeger Probe (2).webp
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Thanks for the picture. Mine does not have the ceramic tip. see picture. I will contact Traeger and request another replacement.
Good luck, I’ve been waiting for over a month for one. They keep saying “we show we are getting some in this week but I don’t know how many or where you fall in the queue of people waiting for one”. Thankfully it’s still working. I can’t believe something so fragile sits so close to a part that they TELL YOU to remove after each cook (grate). I imagine every person that has this style prob will end up replacing it more than once over the life of the smoker.
You only hit it once, next time you will be looking at the probe as you take the grate out.

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