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I just got my FB2 Friday, and have been poking around in the app, just learning how to use it.When I plugged my RTD in and set that port for RTD, it was reading 30° off the Ambient Probe at room temp...
I had to go into the APP and adjust it +30 to read the same, then THAT PORT stays +30 for ever and can only be used for my RTD so I just stayed with my ambients for now, I never take my grill into the 400s anyway, I use my gasser for that.
Anyone else had to adjust their RTD to match real temp?? Did I just get a bad one, then again has anyone even checked?
RTD and STD(meaning 100K Thermistor) hanging side by side indoors or out, or both clipped next to each other in the grill... obviously they should both read the exact same
When I read that you set a particular channel to read RTD, I started searching for how to do that. I didn’t get a RTD probe with mine ( don’t really see the need, because I also use my gasser for anything over 400).
I was just wondering if the RTD probe came with instructions to go into “advanced settings” and make that change. Those advanced settings are kinda buried...lol