Failed to download certificate files

I didn't know my grill had one. Push the menu button and see what you can dig up. Otherwise I suspect you could turn it off and turn it back on but that would mess with your grilling.
Is there any fix to this mess. I have2019- 575 for xmas, worked great until the update. I have gone through all the forms and tried all the set ups. Still nothing.
My wife was unsold on this grill at the dealer bc of the wifi option, worked great for 2 weeks..

What is Traeger-F419 & why does the grill want to connect to it? Thats not my wifi address!!!

That is just part of the process. "Traeger-F419" is a temporary wifi network on your grill and the first step is for your phone to connect to that network. After it's connected, your phone will then update the grill to use your home's WiFi network and then the "Traeger-F419" network will go away. Doing it this way makes it so that you don't have to enter a WiFi password on your grill, in which case you can't do anyway because your grill doesn't have a keyboard.
Thank you. OF COURSE NEW FIRMWARE CANNOT BE INSTALLED IF YOUR GRILL CANNOT CONNECT TO YOUR ROUTER (and, thus the internet)!!!! My problem is that and mine is a brand new grill Jan 2020. The factory firmware was 2.0. Factory reset wont help (altho, I will try - I have no other ideas). Guess I am screwed until someone at Traeger gets it through their heads that updating firmware, in my case, REQUIRES a file I can download and install from my PC. Or better yet, rather than this absurd instruction, "turn on grill and wait 24 hrs for a push update", maybe the firmware should exist as a download from their website to your PC, for EVERYONE so that one could install it immediately.

Bottom line. HIRE SOMEONE COMPETENT with technical experience of this type!
I have been watching this post for a while trying to figure this mess out. I got my grill working yesterday, finally. I have spoken to at least four people at Traeger customer service and I am sad to say this but they were totally clueless. Had I listened to them, I'd still be waiting. The new website they posted is what got be back connected ( My issue was that the new software they installed several weeks ago broke the connection of my grill to my home network. My grill was unable to reconnect. The customer reps kept telling me to just wait for it to update. I kept telling them that my grill couldn't connect, but they said "no worries, just keep waiting, we are pushing an update." That was just wrong, you can't update something that is not connected. What finally worked for me was to reset the grill to the factory settings, which set it back to the prior grill software (NOT the 2.0). Once that was done, my grill was then able to reconnect to my network (after following the wizard directions). This is key....with the connection restored, my grill was then able to receive the updated data files (took about four hours). Once that was done, it also updated to the new software. With the new data files, the software was able to then actually function and connect to the app. It was still a bit of a convoluted process, so you have to follow the website directions very closely. Be patient and you will get it. Good luck. hope this helps.
I finally got connected using the web site ( after following the wizard directions for version 2.0 even though my grill version was 01.01.06.

Thanks for the Help
I received the below response from Traeger today with some factory reset steps to try. I won't have time to try this until tonight or tomorrow. If someone getting the certificate error has time to try this and report back that would be great.
Hi Joe. We apologize for the wait over the weekend and we thank you for sending over the video This was helpful. Our IT director has informed us that you need a Factory reset as the controller is storing bad data and this is why it is having an error with the files downloading.

1. Factory reset (on grill go to menu -> settings -> about the grill, then hold ignite button until Traeger logo appears)
2. Then check and make sure it is not still attached to your WiFI and if so, forget WiFi (which will be under settings -> WiFi information)
3. Power grill off and on
4. Delete grill in the App
5. Go through pair grill.

The grill should download the new AWS firmware while pairing and get the grill connected. This should solve the issue you are having so the grill will now be able to download the files and get connected correctly. Please keep us in the loop with how this goes. Take care
My Ironwood 885 has been “downloading files” for over a week now. Is that normal? I unplugged it and moved it right next to my router to help with connection for about 3 days. Then I had to take it back outside to use it and it is still downloading files. Any suggestions?
Основываясь на долголетний практический опыт в этом деле и профессиональную бригаду экспертов, по , геофизическое исследование скважин, очистка дренажа, гидродинамическая очистка, телеинспекция систем канализации, очистка ёмкостей питьевого водоснабжения, замена водоподъёмной трубы в скважине, очистка трубопроводов высоким давлением и прочие. Подобные услуги широко могут использоваться во всяческих ориентированности, в разного рода как ирригация, сельское хоз-то, комерческий или жилой комплекс. Вся наша команда профессионалов владеет обширным практическим опытом в данных направлениях, все это даёт возможность нашей фирме приводить в исполнение подобные работы такие услуги как прочистка канализации, обслуживание скважин, замена глубинных насосов, очистка ливневой канализации, очистка дренажной канализации, прочистка дренажной канализации, замена водоподъёмной колонны в скважине, поставка скважинных трубсверхэффективно и легко. Предлагаемые услуги постоянно эксплуатируются различными нашими клиентами за их быстрое исполнение и конкурентную расценочную политику.
Can someone please help?
I have timberline 1300. i cannot seem to forget network. It is stuck there. I am also unable to reset to factory. I go to about grill and good in ignite. Does not work. Tried unplugging. Tried deleting app and reinstalling. Nothing is working. I removed grill from app now I cannot find the name. I do not have a QR code. Help it is so frustrating
Can someone please help?
I have timberline 1300. i cannot seem to forget network. It is stuck there. I am also unable to reset to factory. I go to about grill and good in ignite. Does not work. Tried unplugging. Tried deleting app and reinstalling. Nothing is working. I removed grill from app now I cannot find the name. I do not have a QR code. Help it is so frustrating

Power cycling it doesn’t help? Try putting it in Sales Demo mode, that rests it.
Power cycling it doesn’t help? Try putting it in Sales Demo mode, that rests it.
Unfortunately I do not believe it has a demo mode. And no power cycle does not work. I forget WiFi but it freezes. I power cycle and restart to see all WiFi info remains?
Unfortunately I do not believe it has a demo mode. And no power cycle does not work. I forget WiFi but it freezes. I power cycle and restart to see all WiFi info remains?

In Settings? Sales Mode at bottom of settings menu.
I just did new download, app kept saying grill was offline. I followed everything 2 or 3 times for pair with no luck. Took a chance on the "demo mode" and it actually worked. my 575 is now back online.

when I put it in demo mode, it said "resetting" and brought it back out.
I managed to solve this!!!!
You have to reset the grill to factory settings by pressing ignite button a few seconds in settings/about menu.

you can then connect it to WiFi and upgrade the firmware. (No certificate failure any more)

Now the grill isn’t added to my traeger profile though.

I guess I need to ask them to delete my profile.
Sales mode or hold Ignite while on the about grill screen for 15-20 seconds.
Sales mode or hold Ignite while on the about grill screen for 15-20 seconds.
Thanks Mikey - this does not seem to work on Timberline 1300 with software version 3.0. I don’t have a sales/demo mode option and holding the ignite button does not bring about a reset. Trying to figure out if there is another option for this specific model/software as I haven’t seen one.

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