What's for dinner tonight? Dinner ideas?

Christmas Turkey tonight! 24# bird brined for 48 hours in an 8 gallon bucket.

24 lb brined turkey.jpeg

This is a SWMBO operation after my brining effort, so it goes inside the kitchen oven. Soon the whole house will have the wonderful aroma of this tasty big bird. Merry Christmas to the Traeger Forum!

Turkey for oven.jpeg
I like that turkey pan you got there...
TODAY... Carver ham and green bean casserole, with Bella smoker full steam. And twice baked potatoes


Dam good thing it's "currently unavailable" or I'd got it and had to find a place to put it...


Best I ever had because of using:



Ham was just rubbed with Mustard only, cooked to 155° IT


Wife totally satisfied again!!!
Christmas Turkey is resting. Now to work on the giblet gravy, crescent rolls, & heat up the stuffing that did not fit in this bird. Man it is juicy. Tough job moving it from the roaster pan to the platter.

Christmas Turkey.jpeg
She's a beauty GM
Lookin good!
Spatchcock turkey brined about 24hrs, went on at 190ish for 3 hrs at 11:30 am this morning.
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Up to about 155f, corn and green bean casserole on now, i chickened out and did rolls in the oven.
Turkey browned up nicely and was very juicy. I forgot to get pics and everything is gone. Lol
Turkey browned up nicely and was very juicy. I forgot to get pics and everything is gone. Lol
What is in the two stainless steel bowls?

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