I'm new to the world of smoking, so this is only my second time using my grill. Last night I busted out my first Boston butt. Was pretty damn good eating.
I injected it with 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar & apple juice. Yellow mustard for the binder, coarse peppercorn grind & pink sea salt grind. Topped it off with some pork rub mix I grabbed at wally world. Was still waiting for my order of spices to come in, so I had to grab something quickly.
Set the temps @ 220 super smoke mode with Hickory, Apple & Cherry wood. I wanted to get a nice smoke ring. Checked up on it after about 2 and a 1/2 hours into it. Gave it a nice "Money shot" of apple juice, shut the door, let it roll for another couple hours.... apple juiced it again just to build up that nice deep color and let it continue to build that bark.
Here it is about the 4 - 5 hour mark. Turned up the temps to about 270 to crisp it up just a little more. Once the internal temps hit about 160, I pulled it off, dropped it into a tin pan, slathered it up with some Traeger 'que sauce, covered it it foil, dropped it back on the "Beast" and let it finish off until it hit 200 internal. Yanked it off, let it rest for about 20 minutes, and went to town!
Bone pulled right out, super tender, but still had a perfect chew to it. Nice pink smoke ring all the way around it.
Super moist. Took about 8-ish hours until it was finished. Not bad for having my cherry popped on my first pork butt. If I had to do anything different, I think I would have used a little less injection. for my taste, it had just a little bit too much apple vinegar, but it did do the job of keeping it moist.