Traeger Outsources Customer Service

I worked my entire career in the paper industry. My company had some great US-based customer service representatives who were loved by customers. The company decided to move customer service to Krakow, Poland. Many of the representatives in the USA had long tenure and knew their jobs and the product well. The newly hired representatives in Poland were highly educated; many had masters degrees. However, they had no experience. They wanted to hire on to get a job reference. After a couple of years, they quit to find a job that did not require them to work nights to service customers here in the USA who worked during the day. So much for years of experience.
If this is factual it is another step in the decline of Traeger.
Sad that our businesses feel that they have to outsource things overseas!
Just my humble opinion.
If this is factual it is another step in the decline of Traeger.
Sad that our businesses feel that they have to outsource things overseas!
Just my humble opinion.

My company is (unfortunately) moving CS roles out of the country. They can hire 3 to 4 people for every 1 here. Like anything else...follow the money!
My company is (unfortunately) moving CS roles out of the country. They can hire 3 to 4 people for every 1 here. Like anything else...follow the money!
We outsource also. The unfortunate thing about it all is we on average get better work out of each of those 3/4 than we would the one too. But that’s a convo for another board I guess.
Public company beholden to the analysists who only look at quarterly results.
I used to work for a company that is in the top 50 of Fortune 500 companies. Years ago, they outsourced most of their Help Desk to another company in another country. I'm sure it saved them some money, but their knowledge about how the company operated and the software being used, and how to fix it, was lacking from day one. Not to mention, most of them were very hard for us dumb Americans to understand. To say the least, customer satisfaction, quality of the Help Desk responses, and productivity dropped due to things not getting fixed properly. Eventually, someone had a "light bulb" moment, and they all of the overseas people were terminated one morning without any notification. To say the least, we once again had a Help Desk that was useful and could be understood when they spoke. Eventually, most companies seem to figure it out, but some are slower than others at bringing Customer Service/Help Desks back to the U.S. If there are enough complaints about service, it will happen sooner. Just my thoughts based on prior experience.
Maybe I’m dreaming that this could even happen but wouldn’t it be great if customers revolted and refused to deal with companies that outsourced customer service 🤣(sorry but even saying that makes me laugh) and manufacturing.
I doubt it will happen in my lifetime but it would be great to get all this overseas manufacturing back home.
Think about the jobs that would stay in our countries.
I know, everyone will say wages are too high but even now I consciously look to buy made in Canada or USA product.
yep, I always pay a bit more but it’s worth it.
Sorry to ramble on but that’s my 2 cents worth again.