Pro 575 Not Achieving Temperatures

Download the Traeger app on your phone and use it to connect to your wifi network at home. Once the grill is connected to the internet, it will just automatically update and solve the temperature problem.
Thanks! I had it hooked up but temps were way off. I called customer service (they were great) minimal wait time, and she told me she would "push" the update to my grill. His name is Cletus. I had hoped to cook tonight but hopefully tomorrow.
So I am brand new to the Pellet World. Was in Home Depot last weekend and they had a Traeger Rep working the store showing off the new WiFire Pro 575 even before it was on their website. My father has used a Traeger for the past 7-8 years and LOVES it. My wife and I were taken in and decided spontaneously to purchase this new model. We got it home, set it up, did the "Seasoning" and then anxiously put our first meal on the grilling surface. We purchased some high quality Ribeyes from a local butcher shop and couldn't wait to experience this for ourselves. Long story short, it took a long time to cook these steaks! Ghads! They were good but not what I expected. Next morning I cooked bacon on the Traeger. Set it at 425 and it took probably 40 minutes to cook. That evening I did the chicken challenge. Supposed to take 70 minutes took right at 2 hours to get meat to proper temperature. By this point I was placing an oven thermometer on the grill surface and noticed that the thermometer was reading about 100 degrees cooler than the digital display on the Traeger. Hmmmm, odd, maybe that is why it is taking everything a lot longer to cook. Decided to return this unit to Home Depot and exchange for another of the same model thinking I had a lemon. (By the way I called Traeger 3 times during the week and they were basically no help). Home Depot exchanged with no issue, got the new unit home, seasoned it and cooked a pork loin. Again, it took quite a bit longer than anticipated. Oven thermo was reading about 50 - 60 degrees cooler than digital on this one. My anyone else having these issues or what could I be doing wrong? I really WANT to love Traeger but am now thinking that their new models just aren't very accurate on their temp displays which is a huge problem when you are supposed to rely on their recipes and cook times. I am a bit discouraged. Any suggestions on what to do????? Thanks.
Did you get a response from their customer service? I tried calling twice and got NO ONE. I am having the same issues with temperature accuracy and when set at 450, the Traeger control said it is only 411 (377 is the true temp.) Trying to decide if I should just return it and try another brand. Any suggestions?
Did you get a response from their customer service? I tried calling twice and got NO ONE. I am having the same issues with temperature accuracy and when set at 450, the Traeger control said it is only 411 (377 is the true temp.) Trying to decide if I should just return it and try another brand. Any suggestions?
There is a new firmware update that is getting pushed out now that reportedly fixes this problem. Make sure your grill is hooked up to wifi and it will eventually download
Just powered up the 575 and waiting for the download. Planned smokes this weekend so hope it downloads today!
Well, that was fast. Firmware is now v01.01.02 Here we go! Fingers crossed.
Mine updated and is spot on! First cook is tonight. Starting simple with a beer can chicken. Gonna smoke it for a bit then bump up to 350 till it's ready. I hope the probe thermometer is accurate.

Also, the customer service department has been getting lots of criticism, my experience with them was fantastic!

Smoke em if you got em!
I am a new member , however I have 47 years experience working with accurate temperature monitoring (refrigeration mechanic). Every time I prepped for a serious diagnosis I would always check accuracy. With temp there are facts that we can count on , water freezes/melts @ 32 deg F (0deg C) and water boils @ 212 deg F (100 deg C) at atmospheric press. For 32 def F check fill glass with crushed ice and pour just enough water in to make the contents fluid. Stir the ice with the probe and read, For the boiling point just boil water and immerse probe. It would be nice to have an easily obtainable calibration point above 212 but we don't.

I have had issues with the traeger probes giving an erratic reading . Somehow water got into the capsule of the probe (wife or child dropped the probe into water to wash :rolleyes:) I just coil the probe and put them into a zip lock bag with about 1/2 cup rice. uncooked rice. I actually store the probes in the bag.

Edit: After reading a fair number of posts I added the note on confirming accuracy. Next post I read shows that it has already been covered, so I'm sorry for the duplication. I'd just like to reiterate that you can trust nothing without confirmation. I had a $3500 temp /humidity recorder that came with a calibration kit.
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After the update, my measured temps are +/- 5 of the set temp at the 190-225 range. I've not had time to do any real testing, but little doubt it can hit the higher temps now, at 350 and 400 it measured a little higher
Now all I have to do is unlearn my compensation settings :).
The grill has been great, now that I can sear the occasional steak should be even better!
I read every message of this thread before I bought my pro 575, hoping it the problem would be fixed by the time I bought it. It was not. My brother and I both bought ours at the same time. He returned his a week latter.

I stuck it out. I definitely did try to return it, but the Saturday before I did, I started reading posts about the new software. Boy am I glad I waited. Everything seems to be working great. Very happy for the fix and very happy to everyone who has contributed to this post.

For those still struggling, try your best to get a good WiFi signal and put into sleep mode over night. I had no idea what sleep mode was so for those who don’t, power up your grill, then power off via the dial and it should automatically go into sleep mode. You can double check by viewing the grill on your app. ! Would recommend doing this in the early evening, since sleep mode will go to standard “offline” after a few hours. You want to make sure you get the max amount of “sleep” time through the night as Traeger sends out updates.


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Well, that was fast. Firmware is now v01.01.02 Here we go! Fingers crossed.
Mine came with the updated firmware. At 225, it is actually 205 and at 450 it is 386. I smoked a butt and ribs last weekend. The butt for 11 hours at 225 (or so I thought) and the ribs using the 3-2-1 method. Neither were as tender as I got from my old offset smoker. Should have used my digital thermometer to check the internal meat temps. So frustrated with this "grill".
A few days ago I received an email from Traeger that 'Your order has shipped'. I had not placed an order.
Arrived today, a new RTD probe.
I had exchanged a couple of emails about the temperature issue with support some time ago and ended with a frustrated reply along the lines of I'm done emailing for no help reckon I'll need to spend a few hours on the phone. Never did call as I was busy but checking in here to see if a solution was found. Looks like eventually someone followed up.
In any case, very happy to have the new probe, along with the new firmware. Maybe next weekend I'll be able to get it installed.
Thanks Traeger!
A few days ago I received an email from Traeger that 'Your order has shipped'. I had not placed an order.
Arrived today, a new RTD probe.
I had exchanged a couple of emails about the temperature issue with support some time ago and ended with a frustrated reply along the lines of I'm done emailing for no help reckon I'll need to spend a few hours on the phone. Never did call as I was busy but checking in here to see if a solution was found. Looks like eventually someone followed up.
In any case, very happy to have the new probe, along with the new firmware. Maybe next weekend I'll be able to get it installed.
Thanks Traeger!

Try it with the new firmware prior to replacing the RTD. Cheers
Try it with the new firmware prior to replacing the RTD. Cheers
I have. Low temps are right on, I need to try a few more at higher temps, but it is definitely running hotter than before
01.01.02 resolved the temps being ~30% lower than displayed for my 575. Yay! In the trouble-shooting process I rec'd replacement controller and temp sensor, neither of which resolved the issue. At least I now have spares in case these fail in the future. T also sent me a front shelf for my troubles/patience which went a long way to alleviating my frustrations. I did suggest that they acknowledge problems and communicate with those affected in the future. Customer Service 101.....
Now to do a reverse sear :-)

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