Confused on how to do a steak

Please the ribeyes on the Grillgrates and turn every 6-7 minutes until they got to 160 or touch ready (you either know what a med rate steak feels like or you don’t) I also don’t use the probe(s).
160F for med rare? wow, I thought 145F was considered 'medium', 130F med rare, 160F was well done
put foil over them on a non paper plate for at least 10 minutes.
My gosh seems like they would just keep cooking now well beyond well done
I do the steak to 120 on the smoke setting only bumping up the grill temp as needed to get the steaks up to 120. Then the final sear is done in a pan of hot "BACON GREASE" everyone say it with me... "BACON GREASE". You can't go wrong with "BACON OR BACON GREASE".
Sorry no pictures to post but we all know what a steak looks like.
Oh yeah. With the low smoke, they usually smoke for about an hour and a half give or take.
The above is a great method, just not to 160 please!!! Unless you like well, well, done.
I did (2) 2" thick filets on Pro575 last weekend. I rubbed olive oil on them first and then seasoned generously cracked pepper on all sides and a little onion and garlic powder. 180 degrees until about 100 degrees internal checked with a thermopro probe for the meat and for ambient grill temp. Do not rely on the built in Traeger meat probe or the temperature thermocouple what so ever. Then cranked Traeger up to 450 degrees and cooked until internal of steak was 125 degrees. Took the steak off to rest about 10 minutes. They ended up more like medium instead of the med rare I was going for. (next time off at 120 or so) And there really wasn't much of a sear so next time they go into the skillet or onto the gas grill after hitting 100 degrees. It's all about trial and error. Still they were very tasty. I am contemplating the GrillGrates also.
I'm not sure what made you think a smoker, which is a slow cooker, was the right tool for steaks in the first place. There is a reason steak houses flame-broil their steaks.
Technically, Traeger is not a smoker but a wood fired grill. It will “smoke” to a small degree at very low temp (180*). Does not diminish its effectiveness as a great cooking tool.
I bought a Timberline 850 in Jan 2018. Since then I have wasted a lot of money trying to do steaks on this machine -Finally gave up -- tired of dry, tasteless cardboard end products, so I have used use a gas grill the last three years. There are dozens of Traeger recipes, on line, all different I have all the books from Traeger with even more recipes. . I tried some of those recipes and was extremely disappointed. Yesterday I talked to a rep selling Traeger at Costco and he said 500 degrees and use the temp probe. Don't need to flip. I tried that before to no success. Looks like aged white meat on the outside when all said and done. The only thing I have done successfully is make jerky, but anything else will be ruined. I tried reverse searing on a gas grill in combination with the Traeger. Talk about a convoluted process. Why bother with the Traeger if I am going to incorporate a gas grill or a kitchen oven. Just plain frustrated.
Time and temp. Cook to temperature. Smoke to 130*F, reverse sear at 500*F. For thin steaks, less than 1.5" hot and fast. I have a Timberline 850 too.


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160F for med rare? wow, I thought 145F was considered 'medium', 130F med rare, 160F was well done

My gosh seems like they would just keep cooking now well beyond well done
Edited (the temp) and yes you rest them for 10 minutes. Thank god we have a nazi forum police. Thanks bud 👍🏼
I have an Ironwood 885, and set the grill to 500; put the steak on for 4-5 minutes, flip and look at the sear on the steak. Having done tons of them, I can tell when it's where I want it--medium rare. Usually, 5 minutes on a side is just about perfect.
Edited (the temp) and yes you rest them for 10 minutes. Thank god we have a nazi forum police. Thanks bud 👍🏼
Not sure why you're over-reacting so much. You're basically posting that a stop sign means go and you're upset because somebody asked you about it? Relax a little, this is a friendly get-together.
I cook at 225 until it reaches 132 degrees then rest. When ready to serve us the Su-V Gun. To sear.
GRILLBLAZER Su-VGun Basic Grill & Culinary Torch - Charcoal Starter - Profess...

You must be cooking steaks every night to justify buying the Su V Gun. I can see that being a useful tool in a restaurant, but I suspect it is overkill for folks who grill steaks on special occasions and grill brats and burgers most of the time.
You must be cooking steaks every night to justify buying the Su V Gun. I can see that being a useful tool in a restaurant, but I suspect it is overkill for folks who grill steaks on special occasions and grill brats and burgers most of the time.
Agree...but it looks badazz!!!
Agree...but it looks badazz!!!

It does give you some bragging rights.

I suspect one of the propane torches used for weed control or ice melting would accomplish the same thing, but without the bragging rights.

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