What's cooking today? 🔥 Pics are necessary!

I’ve never even heard of an onion bomb
Those look really good! What temperature did you smoke them at and about how long?
I started at 325 then it appeared to be cooking too fast so I dropped the temp to 225. They took about 1.45 hours. Here is the one problem I had …. The onion didn’t get as soft as I would have liked for them to get. I might try a red onion next so it won’t be so oniony hot with each bite. I need to play around with tenderizing the onion with it still being able to maintain a bowl shape. I was hoping the bacon would tenderize the onion on the outside and the dab of unsalted butter in the meat would help tenderize from the inside out. Maybe more butter? They were fun to make and something different. I might try an onion bowl with peppers and sausage in it next. Or slice open a ribeye to create a pocket and stuff with peppers and fajita seasoning.
I kinda get bored with steaks, ribs and chicken the “normal way” so I try to find fun things to try. I’m retired so I have time to goof off with it.
The onion didn’t get as soft as I would have liked for them to get.
Don't hold me to this, but I read somewhere to blanch, or lower the onion in boiling water for a minute, you still need to stuff it and wrap so I think it's just to get the softening started.
Don't hold me to this, but I read somewhere to blanch, or lower the onion in boiling water for a minute, you still need to stuff it and wrap so I think it's just to get the softening started.
There are some middle eastern meals where you do this with cabbage and roll stuff in them so it makes sense that it may work with onion as well.
I thought about taking the pics this time, today I cooked St Lewis ribs. I set my 780 pro at 230 and used my smoke tube and two modified smoke boxes. Coated with mustard base bbq sauce, a coat of Sweet Preacher rub then a little Honey Hog rub and smoked for about 3 hours, then wrapped them rib side down on butter, honey and Honey Hog rub face down on the foil. After a couple hours I unwrapped and coated with a light coat of Honey Hog rub and cook about a hour. Smokey, juicy and delicious.


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Rump roast, spatchcock chicken, drumsticks, carrots ,baby taters n onions and Mac n cheese.

I smoked the roast for about 4 hours, the veggies about 2 hours. Then the went in the slow cooker to finish. In the mean time the Mac n cheese went on for n hour or so.

This was all on the Bronson 20 with the new grill racks for Sunday supper.
The temperature in Chicagoland reached a balmy 74 degrees, a record for this date. Now they are saying, it might snow in the morning. Go figure!

Even though it is still February, I got a bad case of spring fever. So I had to uncover the Traeger, fire it up and throw on some steaks. I seasoned the steaks before I sealed them and put them in the freezer months ago, so I do not remember what the seasonings were. The Ironwood was set to 225F based on a 3rd party thermometer.


I hate getting grease in the bottom of the grill, grease chute and grease bucket, so I placed a cookie tray lined with foil under the meat to catch the drippings. Mission accomplished.

I pulled the steaks at an internal temp of 125F measured using an instant read thermometer.

They then went on the Flatiron griddle set to max heat. A couple of minutes on each side produced a nice sear.


The final cooking step was to baste the steaks in a carbon steel skillet with melted butter and rosemary until a final temp of about 140 F was reached.


When the steaks were done, it was time to let them rest and then inspect my work.


I think I can live with that result. You can see a thin smoke ring around the outside. The steaks smell fantastic.

Before getting the Traeger pellet grill and the FlatIron griddle, I was never happy with steaks I cooked at home. They always ended up burned on the outside and too rare in the middle. With the right equipment and techniques, I now prefer my steaks to those from a steakhouse.

These steaks will feed my wife and I for eight meals, I cannot eat any more than that these days.
Went out last night with a client but wanted to share this beauty with y’all.


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Before getting the Traeger pellet grill and the FlatIron griddle, I was never happy with steaks I cooked at home. They always ended up burned on the outside and too rare in the middle. With the right equipment and techniques, I now prefer my steaks to those from a steakhouse.
Exactly, me too. Those were awesome BTW

Got my Pimp Grill installed, Finally able to use a water pan the way I used to, with pickling spices added, and plenty of room for a good burning smoke tube!!
Chuckie on top!! @250° gonna be a long day, it's a fat chuckie. ;)




Can someone tell me what Fireboard did with our "online" sessions we used to get to easily???
They have NO link from their site anymore, only on the App.
WOW did I have to go thru a lot to get the link again...
Just a new thread for cooking pics.

No ideas needed, just pics of what y'all are cooking for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks today. Post away, but if it's new and cook, post it in the What's cooking ideas thread. This one is for old repeats.

I'm doing bacon wrapped shrimp with Monterey jack and jalapeno on the old Century 22. SWMBO caught the sun shining through the startup of the Century 22.

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Looks awesome. How'd they turn out? Any recipe tips, temp, time etc?
Looks awesome. How'd they turn out? Any recipe tips, temp, time etc?
Ummm that post was 3 years old, and he don't visit here much so it will go unanswered probably
thanks. found a reasonable recipe.
Probably the juiciest one I've ever done, maybe cuz I used a water pan like the old days, thnx to the Pimp grates




Sourcream potato salad and cucumber/tomato salad

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