What is the purpose of preheating when using a lower temp?

I let mine get to temp, but I see no real issue with not doing so when using a thermostatically controlled unit. It’s not the same as trying to stabilize a ceramic cooker or a huge offset cooker which requires some adjustments and tinkering. You set the temp and you walk away. Done. Either way, you certainly will never ever be able to discern between a pork butt done one way or the other. If you think you can tell the difference, I call bologna. Again, I’m in the habit of letting it reach set temp, but I can’t possibly imagine it makes a hill of beans difference really. It’s thermostatically controlled for crying out loud. That’s why the pellet grill is wildly popular. You do need to make sure the unit is heated up enough to meet the preheat criteria. So hot (100 I think) in so many minutes. Maybe not put it on before, but all the way heated, meh.
Bro you seem really knowledgeable about the process, but you also sure showed up here with your chest poked out a bit since day one.
Bro you seem really knowledgeable about the process, but you also sure showed up here with your chest poked out a bit since day one.
Sorry about that. I sometimes come on a bit harsh to match the intensity of another opposing view. I just have a thing for rigid rules and folks who think their personal way is THE way. I have no issue with most processes, but why people think their way is the way puzzles me. This instance, I happen to do just like probably 99% of Traeger people and start my Traeger then go get my stuff ready. Once stuff is ready, I commence with cooking. This usually means the cooker is heated up and ready. That’s not what the OP asked. They asked why they couldn’t put their meat on or leave it on (unclear) after the smoke cycle is completed but before all the way to the slightly higher temperature. I simply see no reason as to why that would be so bad or improper.
Now, had she asked what everyone else’s personAl process was then sure, fire away. Even then it’s a “ this is my way” and not “you must do this“ situation. I was simply trying to answer her question as honestly as possible. If I think an opposing view is wrong I might say so. I might not. I’ve read tons on comments I find amateurish or just plain wrong but choose to turn the cheek. Sometimes I wish to debate the issue. If I’m way out of line or wrong it will be demonstrated and I’m not too proud to say so.
If there is a problem with what the OP suggested, I’m ready to hear it. I will preface that based upon her question I’d say the grill has been heated up to a smoke setting using probably the older dial controller. Problem with internet problem solving is you never really know for sure what you are being told is absolutely accurate.
I’ll tone it down and bite my lip for you. Apologies.🙏🏻
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