Yes. They have to keep moving forward if you wish to stay behind then that’s your personal choice. To be surprised in 2023 by these sorta things is pretty disingenuous and self inflicted. The tech companies do not support staying behind and you either get on board or you don’t. Good news, you can use it without any Wi-Fi I believe.

JPSBBQ. I’m not going to agree with you.
Let’s say that you bought a new Tesla and had you house wired with whatever charging system THEY RECOMMENDED as working for that car.
Everything is good for a year and then somebody decides that you would be better served with a new style of charging system and reprogram your car remotely without your permission to no longer work with the home plug that you have. You can still charge down at the Walmart if you want but not at home. You still have the same car and the same charger but a better one is out now
You can upgrade at your cost or you loose the feature of charging at home.
They did this for your better good.
Your Tesla is still under warranty but they changed how it operates and left you behind. There’s nothing wrong with your home charger but it no longer works with your car and you are left with the bill to upgrade your charger.
Would you say that’s fair to you who just purchased your car and outfitted your infrastructure to service it AFTER they suggested what to install in the beginning?
Would you say that your charging issue is self inflicted?
My grill, which is still under warranty, no longer works with my still working infrastructure because somebody decided that it be so.
I have no problem with technology moving forward. What I have a problem with is technology moving forward without regard to what issues it may cause.
Am I really out of line to think that a bbq that I purchased would not continue to work as it did when purchased?
Sure, create an upgraded operating system, I have no problem with that.
Just honor your agreement to continue to support your existing equipment.
I didn’t buy the latest and greatest technical device. I purchased a bbq not a security system that needs constantly upgraded to combat new threats.