Traeger cleaning


New member
Feb 5, 2021
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San Diego
Mesa 22
Hi everyone! Been using my traeger for a couple months now and absolutely love it. I clean it religiously after every smoke and use foil as much as I can. That being said where the top of the lid meets the smoker (straight across the hinges) there is a stain that I just can’t seam to get out. It’s a mixture of smoke and burnt material. I know I’m being super picky but I would like to keep this grill as new as possible, especially what I paid for this thing. Any ideas on how to clean this area? The surface between the top of the lid? Thank you everyone.
I use the Traeger cleaner, it work wonders although is a little spendy. You might try a majic eraser also, thats what i used before i installed the lavalock on my grills.
Try some Awesome. Stuff works great. Bought 1 gal @ Dollar Store $4.99.


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If it ain't dirty and smells of smoke you need to start some long cooks and let the beast become seasoned.
Just like a good old cast iron skillet. IMHO
I stopped cooking in a clean grill ages ago!!!
Did you totally replace the stock wire grates for a complete set of th Gril Grates or did you acquire a three panel unit to lay on top of the existing wire grates?
When I am looking for grill marks I place 4 panels of GrillGrates on top of the stock grate. I push mine to the left side and to the back.


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The folks at GrillGrates sold me their three 18.5' long panels package plus a cleaner tool. Perhaps I should order a fourth panel? Putting that assembly to the left and back should be the hottest area on the grill.

So what temp to you set for the Traeger to grill?
My grill grates are to arrive Thursday I watched the video but what is the suggestion for the first cook??
Good ole ribeye or just go for it!!!
Gotta a feeling just go burn some goodies!!!
I cook boneless/skinless chicken parts all the time and have a sure fire method for them;
Dry rub everything, leave out for 1 hour.
Grill at 450F
Drop breasts wait 10min
Drop thighs, wait 5 min
Flip breasts, wait 5min
Flip thighs, wait 10min
Probe parts, internal temp over 165F
Perfect grill marks from the GrillGrates.

Beef, steaks etc. I slow cook at 190F, super smoke, until an internal temp of 130F, then pull.
Run the grill up to 460F, then reverse sear on the GrillGrates for 2-3min per side.

Or use the grill grates on a gas grill for the reverse sear to save pellets.
Out here, a clean grill is one not under a Texas Ebony tree where a flock of quail and a dozen pigeons sleep and white wash all below....

OKAY, so, last night I had this really weird dream, I was smoking a load of quail on my Traeger, under a tree using a Texas Ebony rub and all these freaking pigeons were flocking all around me and pooping on me... then my grill blew up and all this white ash went everywhere
What do you make of it??


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