To Wrap or not?

At 225 it could take about 18 hours to finish. When you get close you can always bump the temp to 250 and speed things up. Wrapped can also go inside in the kitchen and finish in the oven. I've done that before to wrap things up outside early.
Agreed - inside oven has kept me warm during winter cooks and it gives me opportunities for different temps/finish times. Also, I've had success using it at 170 degrees to warm hold.
I still wrap after 4-5 hours (at about 160-165) but most of the time it's because I'm in a hurry and trying to get it done before dinner! I did this one today and the total cook time was about 8 hours.

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I look for 160-165 internal before I wrap too. Need speed, I use aluminum foil. Better bark- I use butcher paper. Those are the only changes for me regardless of butt size. Cooked two 10 pounders last weekend at 250. Added a smoke tube since super smoke cuts off at 225. Time to 160-165 was about 7 hours. Smoke tube lasted about 6 hours, then wrapped, bumped heat to 285 and finished in about ~4 hours.

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