Silverton 620 Frustration

Just wanted to provide an update to this. I would really be interested if there are any other Silverton owners that are having the same issues. Mine continue, even with the new pellets I ordered.

Got the Bear Mountain Mesquite pellets last week and wanted to try them out. I tried them with two fairly large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, and some boneless, skinless thighs. I also decided I should check my pit temp with my probe to check the accuracy of the display. I have been doing quite a bit of research, and found many people had this issue. So, 1 probe in each chicken breast, and 1 laying on the grill between the two. I didn't put one in the thighs because they are skinny, you can tell when they are done, and it's OK to go over on those a bit, IMO.

Started at 165 for 1 hour to see if I could get some smoke on the chicken. My traeger wouldn't get below 200 on the display, and I also noticed that the probe was reading 10 - 15 degrees lower.


I then turned it up to 350 to finish the chicken. I noticed my probe was reading at 316, about 35 degrees lower.


I wanted to be cooking at 350, so I turned the traeger up to 400 to see if that would raise it enough...that got it there.


I had the probes set to 162, expecting the chicken would raise to temp when I took it off the grill. Then I started thinking, man it sure is taking a long time to cook these things and raise the chicken temp, I don't think it's going to cook much more after removing it. I was right, ended up pulling at 165, and they didn't raise a degree above that.

Now to the chicken. Very little smoke flavor. Maybe a tiny bit more than with the other pellets I have used. Chicken was good, nice and moist, cooked perfectly, but very little smoke flavor. It smells good, like there is going to be some awesome flavor when you take a bite, but then nothing.

Fast forward to tonight. The Lumber Jack Charcoal/Hickory pellets arrived a few days ago, and based on the comments I had received, that maybe I was missing the charcoal flavor, I really wanted to try them. So, I decided on a beer can chicken, and a reverse seared Ribeye.

I meant to take some pictures, but failed to do so as I was doing other things while the food was cooking. Set the traeger to 165 with the Mesquite pellets, and filled my smoker tube with the charcoal/hickory pellets. Traeger hovered at 198, and my probe read 176. "Smoked" the beer can chicken for 1.5 hours, and the steak for 1 hour. Removed the steak, and cranked the traeger up to 375 to finish the chicken. I finished the steak on my Weber propane at 500 when the chicken hit 155.

Steak was delicious, but not as smoky as I was hoping for. There was a little more smoke flavor, than I had been able to achieve previously. I liked it quite a bit, but I still would like to be able to add more smoke, which is discouraging. I had a smoker tube with the "smokiest" pellets, and the firepot with some "smokier" pellets, and that was all I could achieve?!

On to the beer can chicken. Smelled delicious. The smoker tube went through the whole cook (even had a little left after I took the chicken off). Cut into the chicken and it was cooked perfectly. No smoke flavor. The only part of the chicken that had smoke was the skin, which was delicious. But, you can't just eat chicken skin...well you can but...anyways, it just seems like the smoke is really not penetrating into the meat. Wife loved it because "I don't eat the skin anyways and it tastes like a perfectly cooked oven chicken".

I am at a loss, and super bummed. After doing quite a bit of research on here, it seems like guys are able to get a decent amount of smoke on things with the "less smoky" (fruit) pellets. Makes me want to take this thing to the dump and go back to my $65 dollar stack smoker.

I should also add, I don't think it was the charcoal flavor I am missing. The skin tasted great, I liked the flavor, but I liked the flavor on the skin of other stuff that I have done just as well. It's just not getting into the meat.
Hey FlyFish. Exactly my bitch about it too. I have the Costco 620 have used a smoke tube also and regardless of what ive tried there isnt a smoke flavor. Hell theres also hardly any smoke coming out of the grill or smell in the air - especially when i dont use the smoke tube.
Contemplating taking it back to costco and moving on.

Have friends with other brands and they are happy with theirs and say they have smoke flavor - not obscene but present.

the temperature accuracy problems that Traeger's have and are just accepted by everyone AND Traeger themselves i find abhorrent. I purchased a High dollar wifi multi probe thermometer set. In retrospect after buying it and using it it occured to me. Wait i just spent almost $200 on a device to compensate for a problem on a brand new item from what is supposed to be a top brand.

so anyway. If i wanted food like it was was cooked in an oven I would COOK IN THE OVEN!

Tomorrow im cooking some ribs on it and hoping for a better experience myself. Going to use mesquite in the hooper and applewood in my smoke tube with temp set low….

Wish you luck - know you're not alone!
Before you take it to the dump let me know

My 575 sometimes doesn’t want to hold it as low as 165 either. It doesn’t really bother me a ton though as it’s just there often for the if it’s sub 200 honestly I’m usually good. Idk...I don’t get charcoal or offset smoke flavor, but I’m happy with what I get. Opinions differ but I’m not sure you’ll ever get what you want out of yours.
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the temperature accuracy problems that Traeger's have and are just accepted by everyone AND Traeger themselves i find abhorrent.
Not sure why you find it disgusting we’ve all come to terms that the built in probes aren’t any good and are ok with it
Not sure why you find it disgusting we’ve all come to terms that the built in probes aren’t any good and are ok with it
For me it’s a minor issue. It’s all about the final results. I have 2 3rd party temp probes I used from day1. Never trust one temp probe. Especially if it’s a Traeger probe. One of the first accessories you need to purchase is a instant temp probe and/or a multi probe. Everyday there’s a dozen or so posters here and on other forums that complain about the temp reading way off. My T probe was 10 deg higher. It’s sitting in the box now. Moving on.
Before you take it to the dump let me know

My 575 sometimes doesn’t want to hold it as low as 165 either. It doesn’t really bother me a ton though as it’s just there often for the if it’s sub 200 honestly I’m usually good. Idk...I don’t get charcoal or offset smoke flavor, but I’m happy with what I get. Opinions differ but I’m not sure you’ll ever get what you want out of yours.
The Traegers not for everybody. Some like more smoke. Others not so much. I get just enough. Not a heavy smoker.
Just wanted to provide an update to this. I would really be interested if there are any other Silverton owners that are having the same issues. Mine continue, even with the new pellets I ordered.

Got the Bear Mountain Mesquite pellets last week and wanted to try them out. I tried them with two fairly large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, and some boneless, skinless thighs. I also decided I should check my pit temp with my probe to check the accuracy of the display. I have been doing quite a bit of research, and found many people had this issue. So, 1 probe in each chicken breast, and 1 laying on the grill between the two. I didn't put one in the thighs because they are skinny, you can tell when they are done, and it's OK to go over on those a bit, IMO.

Started at 165 for 1 hour to see if I could get some smoke on the chicken. My traeger wouldn't get below 200 on the display, and I also noticed that the probe was reading 10 - 15 degrees lower.
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View attachment 6654

I then turned it up to 350 to finish the chicken. I noticed my probe was reading at 316, about 35 degrees lower.
View attachment 6655
View attachment 6656

I wanted to be cooking at 350, so I turned the traeger up to 400 to see if that would raise it enough...that got it there.
View attachment 6658
View attachment 6657

I had the probes set to 162, expecting the chicken would raise to temp when I took it off the grill. Then I started thinking, man it sure is taking a long time to cook these things and raise the chicken temp, I don't think it's going to cook much more after removing it. I was right, ended up pulling at 165, and they didn't raise a degree above that.

Now to the chicken. Very little smoke flavor. Maybe a tiny bit more than with the other pellets I have used. Chicken was good, nice and moist, cooked perfectly, but very little smoke flavor. It smells good, like there is going to be some awesome flavor when you take a bite, but then nothing.

Fast forward to tonight. The Lumber Jack Charcoal/Hickory pellets arrived a few days ago, and based on the comments I had received, that maybe I was missing the charcoal flavor, I really wanted to try them. So, I decided on a beer can chicken, and a reverse seared Ribeye.

I meant to take some pictures, but failed to do so as I was doing other things while the food was cooking. Set the traeger to 165 with the Mesquite pellets, and filled my smoker tube with the charcoal/hickory pellets. Traeger hovered at 198, and my probe read 176. "Smoked" the beer can chicken for 1.5 hours, and the steak for 1 hour. Removed the steak, and cranked the traeger up to 375 to finish the chicken. I finished the steak on my Weber propane at 500 when the chicken hit 155.

Steak was delicious, but not as smoky as I was hoping for. There was a little more smoke flavor, than I had been able to achieve previously. I liked it quite a bit, but I still would like to be able to add more smoke, which is discouraging. I had a smoker tube with the "smokiest" pellets, and the firepot with some "smokier" pellets, and that was all I could achieve?!

On to the beer can chicken. Smelled delicious. The smoker tube went through the whole cook (even had a little left after I took the chicken off). Cut into the chicken and it was cooked perfectly. No smoke flavor. The only part of the chicken that had smoke was the skin, which was delicious. But, you can't just eat chicken skin...well you can but...anyways, it just seems like the smoke is really not penetrating into the meat. Wife loved it because "I don't eat the skin anyways and it tastes like a perfectly cooked oven chicken".

I am at a loss, and super bummed. After doing quite a bit of research on here, it seems like guys are able to get a decent amount of smoke on things with the "less smoky" (fruit) pellets. Makes me want to take this thing to the dump and go back to my $65 dollar stack smoker.

I should also add, I don't think it was the charcoal flavor I am missing. The skin tasted great, I liked the flavor, but I liked the flavor on the skin of other stuff that I have done just as well. It's just not getting into the meat.
I have a 2 week old Costco 885. Yesterday I smoked 3 pork shoulders. 2 probes reading grill temps. Other 3 in each shoulder. Set grill temp at 220. Left side reading was between 240-250 throughout the 15hrs. Middle holding at 220. By the way I wasn’t using the crap T temp probe. It was in the box. The inside temp will vary inside the grill.
I have the Silverton 620 as well, and while the smoke flavor isn't quite as intense as some dedicated smokers, it's still there. It helps to start low and go high. For chicken thighs, I smoke them at 200 for an hour, then crank it up to 400-425 for 30 min or so to finish them. Nice and crispy skin but juicy on the outside.
GET SMOKE TUBES!!!! They work!!!! less than $20 on Amazon!!! Good Grief, add smoke the EASY WAY!!!!

As I said the pellet smoke thing is minor for me. It’s this that made me think about the 620.’s-silverton-620-820-issue.2939/
As I said the pellet smoke thing is minor for me. It’s this that made me think about the 620.’s-silverton-620-820-issue.2939/

Yeah, I was kinda talking to those other 2 up there who are ready to trash their grills
If you read my post I was using a smoke tube, with charcoal/hickory pellets. Still nothing in the meat, just on the skin.
My bad... 👍
Hey FlyFish. Exactly my bitch about it too. I have the Costco 620 have used a smoke tube also and regardless of what ive tried there isnt a smoke flavor. Hell theres also hardly any smoke coming out of the grill or smell in the air - especially when i dont use the smoke tube.
Contemplating taking it back to costco and moving on.

Have friends with other brands and they are happy with theirs and say they have smoke flavor - not obscene but present.

the temperature accuracy problems that Traeger's have and are just accepted by everyone AND Traeger themselves i find abhorrent. I purchased a High dollar wifi multi probe thermometer set. In retrospect after buying it and using it it occured to me. Wait i just spent almost $200 on a device to compensate for a problem on a brand new item from what is supposed to be a top brand.

so anyway. If i wanted food like it was was cooked in an oven I would COOK IN THE OVEN!

Tomorrow im cooking some ribs on it and hoping for a better experience myself. Going to use mesquite in the hooper and applewood in my smoke tube with temp set low….

Wish you luck - know you're not alone!

Hate to say that I am glad to hear that I am not alone. Yeah, I have friends with other brands as well that seem to be happy with them. They definitely seem to get more smoke than I do.

I agree the temp thing is frustrating. It's a little ridiculous to pay $700 for a piece of equipment that doesn't function properly. Additionally, one of the selling points of the Silverton 620 is that it can get to 500 degrees for searing. Based on my purchased probes, it actually won't get to 500 degrees, false advertising.

Personally, I would have bought the probes anyways (I actually purchased it before I purchased the traeger), so I am not upset about that really. And, I do see the point that it's an easy workaround, just adjust the temp on the traeger to match the desired temp with your probe. But, if the probes are showing that your grill cooks 40 degrees less than the set temp, then you can never get to that 500 degree mark. I should also note it seemed like the hotter I set the grill to, the more under the probe read. I.e. at 200, it was only 12 to 15 degrees low, at 350 it was 34 degrees low, at 400 it was 42 degrees low.

Anyways, thanks for the reply.
Hate to say that I am glad to hear that I am not alone. Yeah, I have friends with other brands as well that seem to be happy with them. They definitely seem to get more smoke than I do.

I agree the temp thing is frustrating. It's a little ridiculous to pay $700 for a piece of equipment that doesn't function properly. Additionally, one of the selling points of the Silverton 620 is that it can get to 500 degrees for searing. Based on my purchased probes, it actually won't get to 500 degrees, false advertising.

Personally, I would have bought the probes anyways (I actually purchased it before I purchased the traeger), so I am not upset about that really. And, I do see the point that it's an easy workaround, just adjust the temp on the traeger to match the desired temp with your probe. But, if the probes are showing that your grill cooks 40 degrees less than the set temp, then you can never get to that 500 degree mark. I should also note it seemed like the hotter I set the grill to, the more under the probe read. I.e. at 200, it was only 12 to 15 degrees low, at 350 it was 34 degrees low, at 400 it was 42 degrees low.

Anyways, thanks for the reply.
Both my 620 and 885 gets up to 500+. Different areas inside the grill. 540ish on the left side. 500-520 middle and right. I guess all grills are a bit off. Good luck if you chose to stick with T grills or venture off in a different direction. I’m okay with the temperature being off on the probe. Minor thing for me. Others?

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