I had this issue with my gasket as well, in the same area. The Timberline lid slightly slides a bit along the top seal area, which tends to pull on the gasket and can release the clips.
A new gasket won't likely fix this, but it is pretty easy to fix the issue. Here's two steps.
1- This is mainly to reduce the pulling in the first place. Apply a thin film of silicone grease around the door seal frame and also rub some into the gasket itself along that top edge. This helps a lot.
2- This is the key fix. The clips themselves are triangular in shape and once pressed into the mounting holes where they expand and are supposed to hold. They are somewhat light gage steel and can come unplugged like you are experiencing. Here is a sketch of a clip;
View attachment 3867
The Key to locking these clips in place is to expand them and insert them far enough to get the free end of the clip to pop open inside the hole. This absolutely locks the gasket and it won't pop out again. Once I nerded this out, used needle nose pliers to help me slightly shape the clips, and insert them so that the free end would lock. This fixed my gasket issue going on 6 months now so I'm confident that this is the permanent fix.
Good luck and keep us posted!