Raw Meat

I love the MEATER. Every cook has been perfect temperature without having to open a lid and slice into anything for a peak.
I'm new to smoking. Bought an Ironwood 885, sealed the lid with tape and started smoking. Several attempts have resulted in under cooked meats. Cook temperature and probe temperature look good. Last night, I tried a 3 lb. tri-tip. After 2 hours at 225° the probe read 130°, as expected. Meat was raw. I thought the probe might be reading low so, this morning, I put the bare probe on the grate and lit the grill off with a target temp of 165°. I watched my phone app as both temps climbed very closely together. As grill temp passed 100°, probe temp lagged (as much as 20°) but quickly caught up. At the 165° goal, both were within 1° of each other within a minute. Now I'm scratching my head...if the grill temp is off, then the probe temp is, too - and by the same amount. Seems unlikely. Any ideas, guys? Thanks!
I would buy something from thermoworks or something similar the meat probe seems to be fairly accurate but the temp of the cooker is way off on the Traeger I have a pro 780
I'm new to smoking. Bought an Ironwood 885, sealed the lid with tape and started smoking. Several attempts have resulted in under cooked meats. Cook temperature and probe temperature look good. Last night, I tried a 3 lb. tri-tip. After 2 hours at 225° the probe read 130°, as expected. Meat was raw. I thought the probe might be reading low so, this morning, I put the bare probe on the grate and lit the grill off with a target temp of 165°. I watched my phone app as both temps climbed very closely together. As grill temp passed 100°, probe temp lagged (as much as 20°) but quickly caught up. At the 165° goal, both were within 1° of each other within a minute. Now I'm scratching my head...if the grill temp is off, then the probe temp is, too - and by the same amount. Seems unlikely. Any ideas, guys? Thanks!
I have a similar issue since I purchased Century 885 (Costco) this past June. I set the temp to 225, and when it says it is at 225 I read another thermometer I put on the grill (not the Traeger probe) and it reads 175 or so. I have done this with an oven thermometer and a new digital thermometer I bought. The grill "set" temp is higher than the actual grill temperature. Everything I did the first few weeks was taking way longer than planned, and this was the reason. I have replaced thermo couple twice, and same issue persists. My work around is to adjust the grill setting until the non-Traeger thermometer reads the temp I want. I don't like this as a long term solution. I have a ticket open with Traeger so hoping they can resolve.
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My work around is to adjust the grill setting until the non-Traeger thermometer reads the temp I want. I don't like this as a long term solution. I have a ticket open with Traeger so hoping they can resolve.

For a $1400 grill, this is unacceptable. A 50 degree delta in display temp and actual? WTF.

They'd have to fix this ASAP or it would be making a beeline back to Costco for a refund.
I agree, returning it is my last option. Does anyone know if Traeger has service reps that go out to customers with recurring issues? The support folks have been nice, but they don't want to hear that I compared the display temp to actual temp using a third party thermometer. The only option I see if replacing the entire D2 computer. and I don't want to be the one messing around with that.
I agree, returning it is my last option. Does anyone know if Traeger has service reps that go out to customers with recurring issues? The support folks have been nice, but they don't want to hear that I compared the display temp to actual temp using a third party thermometer. The only option I see if replacing the entire D2 computer. and I don't want to be the one messing around with that.
I would say No, Trager doesn't have field service. The parts are pretty easy to replace, even the controller.

I can't explain why there are these temp differences. I have mounted a probe clip next to the grill's temp thermocouple. The there is a non-linear response between them, also the grill's thermocouple is faster responding to changes than the FireBoard2 probe.

Bottom line is that you need to decide which temp source to trust, then adjust your recipes to that temperature. Then, moving forward you will attain consistent cooks.

I chose the Fireboard2 as my trusted source because of its multi-channel, superior logging and alert capabilities.
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Thanks, Chip. Looking forward to your ‘second opinion.’
OK - trying a brisket today. As you can see, the Traeger and Meater probes are right on top of each other. Pleasant surprise. It gives me confidence in the accuracy of both. I DO like that the Meater is wireless, but I'm not fond of its thickness. I'm uncomfortable poking that big a hole in the meat. Another drawback is that I can't use it on my "steak grill" because it can't be exposed to open flames (which I do to steaks).
"Another drawback is that I can't use it on my "steak grill" because it can't be exposed to open flames (which I do to steaks). "

True, but then again, you can do a reverse sear on the Traeger and use it. I do and they are the best steaks evah! Seriously, it's the only way you can cook a 2" thick steak to a medium rare and not end up with it being raw & cold in the middle.

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I would say No, Trager doesn't have field service. The parts are pretty easy to replace, even the controller.

I can't explain why there are these temp differences. I have mounted a probe clip next to the grill's temp thermocouple. The there is a non-linear response between them, also the grill's thermocouple is faster responding to changes than the FireBoard2 probe.

Bottom line is that you need to decide which temp source to trust, then adjust your recipes to that temperature. Then, moving forward you will attain consistent cooks.

I chose the Fireboard2 as my trusted source because of its multi-channel, superior logging and alert capabilities.
I received replacement board and installed without issues. Unfortunately I am experience the same problem (grill temp lower than what the D2 is set for by 20-40 degrees). I went and bought a $100 InkBird Wifi thermometer to tell me grill temp (it has 4 probes); I was hoping to avoid spending $$, but I like the grill otherwise, so did not want to return.
I got a FireBoard and placed an Ambient probe next to the probe in the Grill as well as a meat probe close to the same place as the Traeger Probe.
Ended up with a Temp chart that gives the temperature to set the Grill at to get the temperature that the Fireboard gives. You can calibrate the Traeger Meat Probe but not the Traeger Ambient Grill probe..
I found that the meat probe was usually close, but the Grill probe was off in some cases by 40 degrees or more.
CS sent me 2 new Grill Ambient Probes however it did not change anything.
I ended up taking the grill back and trading it in for a Timberline.... So Far, So Good...
I got a FireBoard and placed an Ambient probe next to the probe in the Grill as well as a meat probe close to the same place as the Traeger Probe.
Ended up with a Temp chart that gives the temperature to set the Grill at to get the temperature that the Fireboard gives. You can calibrate the Traeger Meat Probe but not the Traeger Ambient Grill probe..
I found that the meat probe was usually close, but the Grill probe was off in some cases by 40 degrees or more.
CS sent me 2 new Grill Ambient Probes however it did not change anything.
I ended up taking the grill back and trading it in for a Timberline.... So Far, So Good...
So you don't have the temp issue with the Timberline? Actual ambient grill temp matches what you set the D2 to? I may have to do the same.
So you don't have the temp issue with the Timberline? Actual ambient grill temp matches what you set the D2 to? I may have to do the same.
No it gets off a bit, and there is a right to left temperature gradient see below
Set point Traeger. FB right. FB left
165. 166. 173. 180
225. 238 241. 252
350. 361. 360. 390
450. 455. 458. 4.78
FB right is right next to the Traeger ambient temperature probe ( < 1 inch away)
FB left is at the same height as the right only on the far lady side
Grill is a T-1300
That's what I see on my 850, the set temperature is not linear at the lower settings. Set 175F on mine measures 190F with Fireboard.

Regarding side to side differences, that is pretty common and something you learn to work with. I place thicker cuts on the hotter side.

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