Help! Question 575 PRO - Fire Underneath Drip Pan


New member
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
575 PRO
Just purchased my first Traeger today and was using it for the 1st time, after all initial setup procedures and everything seemed to go pretty good for the most part. We did notice that there was a noticeable flame from under the drip pan and I know this may sound incredibly dumb, but is that normal? The temperature when we noticed did spike from 400 and moved up pretty consistently, I didn't let it go to high (open and closed to drop it), around 415 and my food was done, so we shut it down and ate...I looked in the pot after and it did have small amounts of ash, but nothing near overflow...Everything else was spotless. 55 degree day, little wind.

So I just wanted to be safe and ask...Is seeing the fire normal? If not, any ideas? It is brand new.

Thank you very much in advance.
YES, flames can be visible... or reflections of flames also. The fire pot is basically on fire and has a fan stoking it so it has to produce flames to get to 400° for sure.
I hope you SEASONED it complete before adding food.
Thank you for the reply and yes I did season it. Temperature swings are normal I assume, how far off before I start to get worried?
More important is the inaccuracy of the thermocouple. Mine is 20 to 30 cooler than what the controller shows. Get something like a Fireboard thermometer and get the feel for your grill.
More important is the inaccuracy of the thermocouple. Mine is 20 to 30 cooler than what the controller shows. Get something like a Fireboard thermometer and get the feel for your grill.
Another reason for inaccuracy is probe location.
A probe placed in the middle of the cooking surface can read significantly different than a probe located next to the smoker shell.
I think this is because of how the air moves inside the smoker when cooking.
There is a fan forcing air in there and moving air around in all kinds of ways.
I just use the Fireboard ambient probe and put it next to the meat I am cooking and manually (from the phone app) increase/decrease the smoker temperature to match the FB.
At this point I just ignore the built in smoker ambient probe.
Ran it again today trying to smoke some steaks...Ran at 225 for about 20 minutes a side, temp at 110 when pulled, seared on cast iron over stove, let rest for 20 minutes and was pretty good. Need to make some adjustments though...

I did notice before while I was cleaning it that it looked like some excess grease went over the side and pooled in the middle of the heat baffle, along the backside. Think that is where I was seeing the flame from yesterday.

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