Pellet Grill test Mad Scientist


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Staff member
Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score
Vancouver Island
Ironwood 650
Pits&Spits, GMG, Yoder and Weber
It is too bad they didn't have a Traeger in the test.
But they also didn't have a RecTec or a Lone Stars Grill either.
The Smokefire kicked the coveted Yoders Arse.
The Smokefire kicked the coveted Yoders Arse.
Everything is based on personal tastes and opinions.
And it kicked all of the grills arses, if we want to be accurate.
I would put longevity on the Yoder and concede the flavor to the Weber. Give the Weber another couple of years and I think they could be the 'go to' grill. Their 2nd generation has cleared up quite a few issues, but they are still prone to more issues than most of the grills out there.
I wouldn't have an issue with anything Weber, but I would wait on them to perfect this smoker to be as trouble-free as their other grills. They do know BBQ.
But just my opinion
Smoke with whatever you have and enjoy what you create.
Everything is based on personal tastes and opinions.
And it kicked all of the grills arses, if we want to be accurate.
I would put longevity on the Yoder and concede the flavor to the Weber. Give the Weber another couple of years and I think they could be the 'go to' grill. Their 2nd generation has cleared up quite a few issues, but they are still prone to more issues than most of the grills out there.
I wouldn't have an issue with anything Weber, but I would wait on them to perfect this smoker to be as trouble-free as their other grills. They do know BBQ.
But just my opinion
Smoke with whatever you have and enjoy what you create.
Pretty educated opinions right there.
Fwiw, I’d take the word of those two guys over some internet fanboys and wannabes. Most of the bad pr for Webers or Traeger’s for that matter is due to user error and trolling. When you are on top by a mile, you catch a lot of flack from the wannabes.

once they addressed the issues with the Webers over a year ago, they’ve been no problems. Every company has some issues when launching new products. Granted whoever advised launching the Smokefire before the software was vetted properly should have been fired and likely was. Like you said though, great company and they’ve made everything right from what I’ve heard.

I cannot agree with you more, wrap your arms around what you have and make the most of it. Above all enjoy the experience because that’s The whole point.
Pretty happy of Weber ends up having fixed their earlier problems and is now putting out a great product. I good almost be considered a Weber fanboy so when I get around to upgrading the size of mine it would be great if Weber was a viable option
As a former SmokeFire owner, the mixing of grease and dust is still an issue. That is why many smokefire users place pans on the flavorizer bars. Love my IW.
As a former SmokeFire owner, the mixing of grease and dust is still an issue. That is why many smokefire users place pans on the flavorizer bars. Love my IW.
All grease fires are user error. Did you hear the guys comment on the video? He suggests the Weber has a lot of horsepower for grilling which leads people to situations they aren’t used to. Grease fires are seen in every single grill and every type and brand. Your statement just isn’t true. It’s always user error. The ironwood is a great cooker too but you will get a grease fire right there on your grease deflector tray if you cook a bunch of pork butts and then kick the temp up to 500. Animal fat combusts at 375. Only possible way to not get one is the machine won’t get hot enough. If you get a grease fire it’s because you were negligent and or inexperienced. That said, it can happen to anyone if they aren’t paying attention to what they cooked last time or they aren’t properly prepared. Plenty of grease fires on Traeger grills. Is the design flawed? No.

JPSBBQ, if you CAREFULLY read my post, I never mentioned a fire. I only commented that the grease and dust mix. It will tend to plug up the channels before dropping into the drawer. Just harder to clean.
JPSBBQ, if you CAREFULLY read my post, I never mentioned a fire. I only commented that the grease and dust mix. It will tend to plug up the channels before dropping into the drawer. Just harder to clean.
You never mentioned the cleaning either but that’s even a worse argument. Why would you be worried about the cleaning if it were not related to a fire. It doesn’t affect the performance at all. You simply scrape the stuff down the holes if you want. That said it’s not necessary to do so very often as the mess is located BELOW the heat source as opposed to ABOVE the heat source like all other competitors. It’s far superior idea as heat rises.

nice audible though.
@JPSBBQ why does everything have to be a debate? This is more a board for conversation and not debate.
As a former SmokeFire owner, the mixing of grease and dust is still an issue. That is why many smokefire users place pans on the flavorizer bars. Love my IW.
I don't own nor have a smoke fire and definitely take your word for it.

I have an IW 885 and had probably 2 fires on it. It was definitely my problem and learned to address it. I know what triggered it and do my best to prevent it.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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