Modern BBQing has taken on some sort of "perfectionist faze" that is never meant to be in real BBQing. and BBQ Smoking.
BBQ & BBQ Smoking is supposed to be FUN, a way to EXPRESS YOURSELF thru food, be your own chef, cook YOUR WAY to meet YOUR TASTES.
We get caught up in all these "contests" and BBQ shows thinking there is a 'right' and 'wrong' way to smoke that meat... according to WHO????
Who is the SMOKED MEAT GOD????? Yeah sure, go ahead and name your favorite guy on YouTube, or your fav show, but just note this, all that crap wasn't around the first time I fired up my Bandera side box smoker. I put out some damn good food with temp swings from 200-350 when I wasn't paying attention and I never ruined a piece of meat!!!
YES, it's fun to watch guys do 'successful' good cooks, everything turns out PERFECT, and you LEARN A LOT from watching. That's how I taught myself almost everything in life, I WATCH and imitate.
There are GREAT THINGS to learn from some of these guys on Social Media, tips and tricks, fine points and even FACTS about the science of the MEAT itself.
I don't have HALF the talent/knowledge these guys do, but i still make great smoked meat.
BUT don't get SUCKED into thinking your cooks have to be that PERFECT!!! I have followed many recipes that I thought tasted like

... we all have different TASTES.
Some like more sugar and some more salt, some do EVOO and some do Mustard, some wrap, some don't.
So there are advantages obviously for noob BBQ Smokers to learn from all these different things, but don't fall into the trap that these are all BIBLE TRUTHS. MEAT IS MEAT, it's been the same meat since God told the Israelites to throw cows on the fire for burnt offerings, sometimes certain parts of the cow and lamb were saved for EATING!!!! AHHH the first BBQers!!!!!
Anyway, just a word of advice I guess. My biggest observation over all these years is this:
MEAT IS VERY FORGIVING of anything you might call a mistake. Your cook doesn't HAVE to go perfectly like the recipe, or your TEMP doesn't HAVE to stay right on the dot, or your rub doesn't HAVE to have that (whatever) in it to make it perfect.
Obviously use online recipes and videos and info as a GREAT GUIDELINE, but by all means,
try to be yourself and HAVE FUN!!! (why do you think we have all these different guys and recipes, because each one is trying to be "himself" and not just follow the leader)
For the most part I think everyone here does this quite well.
Meat is very forgiving!!
I'm not a great BBQ Smoker, THE MEAT IS!!!!