How did you hear about Traeger Forums?

I was doing research on which grill to replace my Junior with. We have an excellent group of users with quite a diverse set of skills that aid in solving issues.
We are always interested in finding out how you found our site.

If you can please let us know if you found us on another forum, via Social media (twitter, facebook etc.) Google or Bing or a friend perhaps? Or any other method.

This helps us determine what areas seem to be working for us (as far as letting people know about us) or what areas we may need to work on to help get the word out.

Googled, Traeger forums. I do this with any new hobby I add for addressing my ADHD, saltwater fish tank, brewing beer, hiking the Grand Canyon, etc..
I belong to a ton of other forums (diesel truck, car, hunting, RZR, snowmobile, 4x4, etc) so I figured there had to be a Traeger Forum. Googled it voila, here I am.
Google, I was searching info before buying, I could not decide between Pro and Ironwood.
I did a search on "Traeger Forums", found this site and I was made to feel very welcome. This a nice place to be ?
Brand new member, but I Google 'traeger forums'
After researching information on the Traeger website, I Googled for Traeger Forum and ended up here.
Googled traeger forum and boom I'm here now.
Just got a Pro 22, so typed Traeger Forum in Google.. I've already got some good tips about using it.