Best Instant Thermometer?

I’m interested in the Meater thermometer also. For those of you that have a meater and an instant read thermometer, which do you like better and why? Thanks!
I’m interested in the Meater thermometer also. For those of you that have a meater and an instant read thermometer, which do you like better and why? Thanks!
Hey! They are 2 different instruments. A quick read is meant to take a quick temp reading and to verify what the meater or whatever continuous temperature device you are using or used for. A quick hot and fast cook. The meater or continuous temperature device you use is constantly reading the internal temps throughout the entire (longer)cooks and can give you feedback, alerts and updates depending on the unit you use. Some are stored in the cloud as a reference later down the road. In my opinion you need both devices. Cheers
Thanks for the reply. I agree both would be optimal. Really like the idea of the cook time on the meater thermometer if it works correctly. Also does it take in account for the rest period?
I ordered mine, 83 bucks with tax n shipping!
I have a Lang and one my Snap on tools guy gave me. But the are as slow as a snail going uphill into a headwind, and mess with the Traeger cuz the lids open to long.
Yep, thats what i got. Ordered an orange.

It will be easy to spot and hard to lose. Nice!


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