Anyone using a flat top griddle?

I dont see a use for a flat top grill, at least for me. If I did a lot of camping I could see how it would be handy as hell, but its not something I'd want to cook, say, a steak with. I cant remember the last time I grilled a steak over anything but coals.
A flat top is a great companion to charcoal. I will cook over charcoal and then sear using wago tallow on the flat top.
I dont see a use for a flat top grill, at least for me. If I did a lot of camping I could see how it would be handy as hell, but its not something I'd want to cook, say, a steak with. I cant remember the last time I grilled a steak over anything but coals.
Different strokes for different folks! I honestly use my griddle more than anything else. It took me a while to realize, I always thought of a griddle as the electric appliance I would plug in sitting on the counter to cook some pancakes a couple times a year. I got a buddy that has a restaurant and when I started hanging around I realized how many different kinds and types of food you can cook on one, especially a big one. I never even paid attention to the Waffle House’s or even other restaurants griddles. Seriously, it’s unreal all the uses different things that hat you can cook on one but only if you’re like me and cook a lot. I do all the cooking, my Wife can’t boil water. My kids and grandkids come over to eat a couple times a week. The griddle can cook several different things all at once. Then it’s easier to clean than the pots and pans in the kitchen. However I admit it’s easier for me since I have an outdoor kitchen that’s on my screen porch connected to my house. I don’t have to worry about covering grills up or animals getting onto them etc. I remember the days of just having a deck fully exposed to weather and animals. If you have a good space it’s so worth it.
I've also used my Lodge to sear steaks etc after slow cooking on the smoker.

PS: We also have a pizza stone for the oven, but I haven't yet tried it on the Traeger. Anyone done that? I would imagine it would work well. Thoughts?
Hey @Parrothead1809 I did not see a response to your "PS". I've used a Pampered Chef (I think) pizza stone numerous times on my Pro780 and its worked great every time. Nice to easily pull the pie of the grill too.
Hey @Parrothead1809 I did not see a response to your "PS". I've used a Pampered Chef (I think) pizza stone numerous times on my Pro780 and its worked great every time. Nice to easily pull the pie of the grill too.
Great to know ! I'll give it a try ! I believe we used to sprinkle corn meal on it to help the pizza slide on and off - does that still work in the Traeger?
I used to cook pizzas on my egg but I’ve found it’s easier and quicker on my Webber gas grill. I turn a Turkey roaster pan upside down then a pizza stone on top of it. I let it get hot while I prepare my pizzas. It’s much faster and better than on my egg or my pro 780. It’ll cook at 600 degrees so does a great job fast. On my 780 it’s slow going and doesn’t crisp the crust. My oven in the house is better than my 780. But it’s my own opinion, but we cook pizza almost weekly.