780 Pro Downdraft

Yo, I want more dets on the seal of the lid and the controller upgrade? where did @TheSpann go????
Seal the lid was the best upgrade. The updated control made difference but not a huge difference. The thing with the new control is that it uses supersmoke for some time, then it gets to hot and needs to cool down(using fan constantly) then back to supersmoke mode again...
I think it´s a scam that Traeger don´t add supersmoke to the Pro series. It´s just a fan controI(fan on and off) I found my control on Ebay for 26$ + freight. Someone did not manage to get the WiFi to work and got a new one from Traeger. I bought it and it worked perfectly from the beginning. In the app it says it´s a IW650...
@TheSpann, how does the super smoke work? I was thinking of upgrading my pro 575 with super smoke controller also .... is it worth it?

EDIT: also, does the lid still close fine with that gasket? did you have to mess with the hinges or anything?

It closes even better than without!, No problem at all!!
@TheSpann - awesome thanks for the update! I ordered the same gasket kit you have an will be installing as soon as I get
what are your thoughts on the down draft mod? (not like I can fabricate it anyway lol)
I experience less pellet consumption, but if I get more smoke... ??? I actually don´t know since messing with the air/smoke flow the Traeger technician once calculated/tested might not work better... But the new control seams to be a good investment. Not for the super smoke mode, but for running the grill in normal mode. I´ll test a bit more and get back to you.
@TheSpann I installed a Timberline 850 controller into my Pro 575 today along with the pellet sensor and so far working like a charm. The only thing I missed is the antenna? did yours come with one or did you have to buy( where did you install it - The timberlines have it straight out the bottom of hopper)
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@TheSpann I installed a Ironwood 850 controller into my Pro 575 today along with the pellet sensor and so far working like a charm. The only thing I missed is the antenna? did yours come with one or did you have to buy( where did you install it - The timberlines have it straight out the bottom of hopper)
Apparently Ironwood's controllers have internal WiFi antenna, behind the front panel. They don't have the small coax and antenna socket out the bottom. Bad design choice by Traeger to not give all WiFi grills external antennas.
I ordered an antenna from amazon and will start off by just setting the antenna on the bottom of the hopper (laying down). If that's not suffice, I will drill and attach somewhere on the hopper. It is too bad they didn't plan an antenna for all models, I am sure it would have save them $ in the long run with all the customer support wifi "problems".

EDIT: I meant that I installed Timberline 850 controller not Ironwood... I need an antenna
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I got hold of the Ironwood controller and it has no ready connection for the antenna. If you need to install it you need remove a 0 ohm resistance and the solder a socket or wires to the board, then the controller is the same as the Timberline. I got my Traeger 100feet from the router(thru a couple of walls also) and it works well. As long as the control faces the router. Same when you connect, face the router and it will connect directly.
I ordered an antenna from amazon and will start off by just setting the antenna on the bottom of the hopper (laying down). If that's not suffice, I will drill and attach somewhere on the hopper. It is too bad they didn't plan an antenna for all models, I am sure it would have save them $ in the long run with all the customer support wifi "problems".

EDIT: I meant that I installed Timberline 850 controller not Ironwood... I need an antenna
Ah, then I'd make a small "L" bracket and mount the antenna jack in the side of the bottom of the hopper pointing down like the 850's do. You may need to notch the bottom cover as well. The antenna needs to be away from the metal case.