Special Buys and Deals

Special Buys and Deals for the Traeger Community.

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Sweet little tailgater on special today, nice construction, digital controller, slide open heat deflector for direct flame broiling as well! https://countrysmokers.com/grills/CS150PPG?utm_source=Active_Campaign&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=CS&utm_term=July-Sale&utm_content=Traveler&vgo_ee=fMoacBEz7BROnO9ejejQrSBAWaAotQkn8fTjdS3g5M8%3D
Thanks to Daba's BBQ Good morning. If you need a set of knives this is an AMAZING deal - https://www.edealinfo.com/d/0072850...-Sharp-Premium-German-Stainless-Steel-Kitchen The entire set of knives cost $12 delivered, this included shipping. Make sure you clip both sets of coupons as noted in the link. I just picked these up this morning. Click the 15% off first, then apply coupon code. coupon code = KDRNAOVO At $12 these can be considered disposable!!!