Woodridge Pro - Problems!


New member
Mar 23, 2025
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Traeger Woodridge Pro
Hi everyone! New to Traeger and the forum...I have a brand new Woodridge Pro. 2 that has a few Problems!

1. The start up sequence ALWAYS (since the first time) takes 3-5 attempts to get the Traeger to start.

2. When in super smoke mode, the temperature soars. I thought it was a "temp always soars" issue, but it happened again today, and I shut down, restarted during the cook and the temp held at 225.

Once I turned on super smoke temp soared again (so I turned off SS and opened the lid. To cool down a bit). Now later I have turned iSS on again and it seems to be working.

Currently talking to the Traeger help line. No answers there yet.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi and welcome to the forum.

This is a useful guide to SS on the Traeger website:


When I first used SS (Gen 2 Ironwood) I thought there was something wrong in that whilst they limit what set temp you can use it, the temp "soars" are large, the unit appears to be working a lot harder than normal and power consumption is significantly higher. Presumably that is why SS is only available at lower temperatures and whilst Traeger say what appears to be a soaring temperature are simply increased swings in temperature compared to none SS mode the average temperature will remain about the set temperature. Not totally convinced on that score but conversely it doesn't adversely affect the cooking process.

Presumably by start up you are referring to the preheat, where exactly is the problem? Did the unit go through the seasoning process OK? On failed attempts does the unit fail to switch on? Does it fail to ignite? Does it fail somewhere else during the process?

Also note some people have reported software updates have been required in order to get their Woodridge's to function correctly? Let us know the outcome, which may help other Woodridge users.
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The help desk did a download of data from recent cooks (I've only used it a handful of times), and the data showed that the temp swings are within the expected range. Astounding really...I can't imagine a 50-75 degree jump in heat and the meat coming out OK. Next time I am just going to let it go and see what happens without my interference.

As far as the start up, I follow the sequence exactly, and it never fires up until the 3rd-6th try. Yesterday after full shutdown it took at least a dozen tries and when pressing the ignite button the timer would start. Traeger need a video of this. They said it may be that the control panel needs replacing.
Yesterday after full shutdown it took at least a dozen tries and when pressing the ignite button the timer would start. Traeger need a video of this. They said it may be that the control panel needs replacing.

Traeger new unit QC seems to be found wanting at times, anecdotally there appears to be a good number of failures but conversely they must sell a heck of a lot so presumably the overall failure rate is acceptable to Traeger given the general public are more likely to hear bad news stories than good news stories! ;)