Well-known member
Trying to connect a friend's Traeger to the WiFi network at my house. It'd be the same network that my Traeger is currently connected to. Same model, firmware, config as my grill as well. He deleted the grill from his Traeger app and also hit the forget network option on the grill. When he's going through the pairing process on the mobile app, it finds the WiFi network and then asks for the password. When typing in the password, it displays "MESSAGE: Your grill name cannot exceed 31 characters". It pops up when the 32nd character is being keyed in. The Wifi password is 32 characters. Not sure why it's displaying a message about the grill name when it's asking for the WiFi password. I don't want to un-pair my grill to test. Anyone have a work around? Don't want to change my WiFi password because then I'd need to re-connect all of my other devices. Thanks.