

New member
Dec 22, 2024
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Highland, IN
Pro 575
Found this forum recently, and looks very interesting. Already learned more about different brands of pellets. Sooo, I’ve used Traeger pellets pretty exclusively, and did notice that smoke ‘flavor’ is very subtle if at all. Read about smoke tubes on this forum thus some questions: will it impart too much smoke and over power meat? How much wood to burn? Soak the wood chunks first? You get where I’m going with this, so any thoughts or all would be welcome. Thanks!
Many of the members have their favorite pellets and so some reading of other entries will be of help. The opinion I have as applied to wood chunks, chips that would end up in a smoke tube is do not soak. Wet wood of any variety will produce creosote (carcinogen) when it initially starts to smolder or slow burn in a smoke tube. Wood chips and pellets work fine dry in a smoke tube, and the mix can be changed to your flavor preference. Welcome to the forum, great folks and great recipes.
Being from northern Indiana I would see if anyone near you sells Smoke Ring brand pellets. I have tried many brands across all price ranges. These to me are the best bang for the buck, good pellets and pretty low price. My local butcher sells them for $15.00 for a 40 pound bag, I use their competition blend. They are out of Michigan so you might find some close by.
I was using a smoke tube for some time, then It just fell to the wayside. My fam likes it straight off the grill no additional smoke added. I also most times cook low and slow so the meat takes on more smoke flavor at lower set temps. And I love Bearmountain pellets, the company also makes Lumber jack and if I’m not mistaken Sam’s club pellets. Bottom line do some searching and reading on here and other sites, experiment with other pellets companies and flavors.

But most importantly, have a good time experimenting and eat good delicious food!

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