"Smoke" Setting - New Pro Series 525


New member
Feb 17, 2022
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Pro Series 525
Morning all. Bought a Pro Series 525 last July. Can't seem to find the "SMOKE" setting. My older Pro Series has a dial setting for "SMOKE" but this new one does not. Want to try cold smoking some salmon and need that setting. Any ideas? Am I missing something on the grill setting?
I’m assuming it’s the Pro 575 with the new D2 controller?

If so, the Pro 575 and Pro 780 don’t have a smoke setting. Only the Ironwood and Timberline offer “super smoke”.

The grill will produce the most smoke under 225 (which essentially is what the old smoke setting was - low temp) and many here use an inexpensive smoke tube to maximize the smoke flavor.

There is an ongoing debate if the “super smoke” on the other grills actually make much of a difference.
Want to try cold smoking some salmon and need that setting.
You have a 'keep warm' setting that basically is 165°, that is the lowest setting a 575 Traeger will go.
I don't think there is any such thing as 'cold' smoking on a Traeger unless you produce the smoke threw smoke tubes and/or a smoke generator installed.