Pro 575 turning on and off every 30 seconds


New member
Nov 2, 2020
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South West Michigan
Pro 575
Hello, I've had this happen the last 2 times now. Cooking at 190 for an hour. Then I turn the heat up to 450 which is as high as it will go. Take what I'm cooking off the grill. It climbs to around 415 or so. I put the meat back on at this point because it doesnt seem like its going to go past this temp. Or its really struggling to do so. Then it starts to go thru this on off cycle every 30 seconds or so. The temp is slowly dropping as its doing this. 30 minutes later or so with temp now down in the 200's it finally kicks in and starts working again and steadily climbs back up. I have been using Traeger pellets. One thing I have not been doing regularly is cleaning all the pellets out of the hopper. The steaks did get done during this process but it took a couple hours because of this on off problem. I was trying to do the "1 hour on low temp and then sear for 6 minutes on each side" method. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Ok. Maybe it doesnt matter because there probably isnt much in it but once I empty the hopper is there a way to empty out the auger space also? And the pellets can go back in the bag and used the next time, correct?
OH no... I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean HOPPER... (low on coffee this morning)
I thought you meant 'didn't clean pellets out of the POT'... MY BAD

Cleaning your HOPPER out shouldn't have anything to do with your problem

AGAIN, sorry... ( "I picked the wrong week to stop using.... ")
No problem. :) But what is the 'POT' ? Is that the small cylinder where the pellets burn? It just seems odd that it would be just fine at 190 for an hour and then when I turn it all the way up it has a problem.
But what is the 'POT' ? Is that the small cylinder where the pellets burn?

Yes that's what I meant, fire pot or fire pit, whatever. I hope you vacuum this out regular.

BUT your problem sounds like something else... You might need a new controller???
Maybe give Traeger CS a call?? Explain to them...
I agree, odd problem, it should have no issue increasing temp.

Call support for sure, and do report back!
Hello, an update on my issue. I talked with support a couple times. They are sending out a new fan to see if that fixes my problem. After cooking my thanksgiving day turkey with no issues at 350 I think it might be related to the max 450 temp that I try to get the grill to for steaks. It really struggles to get to 450 if it does at all and then lifting the hood seems to be the trigger for my off and on problem but I'm not sure at this point. Again I had no problems doing a turkey. It turned out really nice. Still waiting for the fan to come in BTW.
With latest firmware upgrade, shouldn’t the 575 Pro be able to climb to 500 degrees? Thought that was the primary feature in latest version?
Yes I think you are correct. During one of my talks with support I remember them mentioning this. I'm not sure how to get a firmware upgrade though.
Leave the grill powered on and eventually the grill will update. You can not force it, it just downloads from the cloud.....

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