Not heating properly


New member
Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
Pro 780
So tonight it’s 30 degrees with a good wind chill and my Pro 780 won’t get above 330 while I’m trying to cook. I cleaned out the fire pit and surroundings before I started tonight. I even cleaned off the temp probe. Never had this issue before. Grill is only 1.5 years old. Super odd.
Pellets good and dry?
You didn't note what temp your were trying to reach. That might help with recommendations. Struggling due to weather seems odd to me given it's 30 degrees. I've cooked in temps down to -14f. Wind is worse then cold temps, in my opinion. One thing I do when it's battling the cold is add 5 degrees as it seems that every time it gets near the target temp it drops again.
30f isn't that cold when it comes to Traegering, now the wind on the otherhand could be the issue.
It’s really hard to maintain any kind of temp consistency in a strong wind. Convection is good inside the grill but a real bitch outside the grill!
YEAH, my hearing is bad too!!! But I just roll over on my good ear and nothing wakes me up!!!!
Strong Winds or rain...

Wait wait, what????

OK, I fixed it for you!!! ;)
Do you think that adding a restrictor to the exhaust would help? Maybe the wind is creating a heat draw.
A well placed welding blanket will stop or at least slow alot of wind.
Add some split firebrick inside for thermal mass and welding blanket on top!!! 😎👍🏻Too much metal exposed to the wind is wicking your heat away!!!🥶
Wind can definitely suck heat out of the grill, keep temperature down and extend cooking time. Thanksgiving in New York could vary greatly depending on wind (and cold). My wife rigged a pegboard windbreak next to the grill (a Weber charcoal sphere at the time) for Thanksgiving a few years ago, and it probably cut an hour off the turkey cook time.