No smoke flavor

Welcome to the world of pellet grills.
They aren't the greatest for providing strong smoke profiles from cooking. At higher temperatures, they produce even less smoke
You can add a smoke tube filled with wood chips, pellets or a combination to help increase the smoke flavor. But you will never match what is produced by a stick burner smoker
When I first joined the world of Traeger I must admit I had expected a stronger smoke flavour and started using a smoke tube on those occasions where I wanted more smoke, this did help. Moving from the Pro 575 to the Gen 2 Ironwood with its Super Smoke function did improve things somewhat but even that isn't always enough.

If I am looking for a significant smoky flavour I now use my Bradley Smoker in cold smoke mode (which is mainly used for fish, rarely use it for hot smoking) given smoke adheres best at colder temperatures then cook in the Traeger, this way I get the best of all worlds. ;)

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