New member
Good evening and thanks for letting me join. I have used my Traeger Ironwood 885 for a couple of cooks and wanted to give my first impressions. I will preface this with I have a Cookshack FEC-100 and have used it for several years as well as a large BGE and a 36” Blackstone, I have found the Traeger to be easy to use and set up. The Cookshack provides a better smoke than the Traeger and uses fewer pellets during the cook. The Traeger is much easier than both my Cookshack and BGE to get started, but there is a trade off in smoke and having an open flame on the BGE. I will use my Traeger for easy smokes and will use the the BGE for anything needing an open flame, my Cookshack for family smokes and my Blackstone for burgers. Also, I have to say if you have not tried the Cookshack pellets, they are awesome. A lot less dust than the three Traeger bags I have gone through so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated.