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I’m going to be attempting to cook nine, roughly 8 pound, pork butts on my Traeger Ironwood 885 this weekend. Is there anything that I need to take into consideration that differs significantly from cooking just one pork butt? I’m planning on starting them at 225° with super smoke on and then when they reach internal temperature of around 160-165° I’ll pull them, wrap them in foil and return to the grill at 275° until they reach about 201° internal temperature. Will the fact that I’m doing nine butts at once result in making the cook take longer? Basically looking for anyone who can share experience in cooking this volume of pork butts versus just one or two. Also, I anticipate quite a bit of grease so I’m wondering if it would hurt anything to put some aluminum pans down below the bottom great to catch some of it rather than have it all drip down and into the grease bucket? thanks.