HeR Error Codes, Today Overwhelmed Fire Pot. Troubleshooting?


New member
Feb 12, 2023
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Fredericton, NB CANADA
Lil Tex Elite 22
So my Lil Tex model is approx 4 years old and in pretty good shape.
Started having issues in late Nov with a HeR code --- let it cool, cleaned it, and started back up and continued.
Early January had issues with HeR code again smoking a roast (325F)--- came on twice and cleaning and cool down didn't help.
Thought maybe pellets as they had been out in the hopper a while since the last smoke.
Cleaned them all out of hopper and replaced with fresh, and cleaned, fire pot and inside and hoped for best ... nope wasn't able to keep temp consistent (225), and eventually overwhelmed the firepot.
Empty and start again --- took a bit to smoke, but eventually caught and am running at a slightly higher temp (250) so far an no issues.

So the question ...
What to start with to troubleshoot the issue as tired of the errors and stalled smoking.? I keep things relatively clean, but haven't replaced any components in the 4 years ... maybe it is time?
Are we talking replacement RTD to start?
I did notice today that the firepot when I restarted was really slow to heat up, and only seemed to light pellets at one end (near the screw drive). Maybe that's normal.

What's the consensus/thoughts out there?
The RTD is always a good place to start just because it’s an easy install and only costs about $15. When you get the HER code, do you have another device you can use to read the actual internal temp of the grill to see if it’s really overheating?
The RTD is always a good place to start just because it’s an easy install and only costs about $15. When you get the HER code, do you have another device you can use to read the actual internal temp of the grill to see if it’s really overheating?
Yes I do... And it really didn't. Watching the temp display it seems to go runaway ... Stable and then it starts jumping 4-6 degrees at a time for 30-40 degrees ... Then drops 20... And continues cycle until it maxes out.

Guess I'll start with the RTD ... As you say relatively inexpensive and easy install (I hope).
The hot rod and controller would be the next things to look at, but hopefully the RTD fixes the issue.
If you have had it for that long, then as you are going to replace an item or two (have to open it up anyway) why not replace all of them, fans, control board, heat rod, and temp probe, with all new parts? Takes the same amount of time and all is new!