Grill grates

Crisco is primarily soybean oil (polyunsaturated) and palm oil some of which is hydrogenated to solidify it. Palm oil contains a range of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. The saturated fats won't do much to season your grill as it is the oxidation of the fats that produces the protective polymer layer layer. Saturated fats do not oxidize as readily as unsaturated fats.

Using Crisco will work, but you might get the job done faster if you stick with monosaturated fats like peanut oil or polyunsaturated fats like soybean oil.
Before I modified an oval livestock tub into a soaking tub/sink combo I used a plastic tote for many years. I use a concentrated commercial degreaser I buy at Sam’s Club. I put enough water to cover the grates good, add some degreaser and wiggle the tub and to mix then soak overnight. Then I rinse them off and like new every time. I usually do this when they are still warm if they’re are really messy.

Cast iron ones like in my Webber grill I seasoned them like I do cast iron frying pans and they they stay clean a long time.