Fire went out and firebox filled with pellets 8.5 hours into cook


New member
May 18, 2019
Reaction score
united states
Pro 570
Hello everyone,

I have been smoking a pork butt today. After 3 hours on the smoke setting I went up to 225 and left it there. It kept cooking there for another 5.5 hours and I was in the middle of the stall when the grill temp suddenly came plummeting down. When I took the guts out to try to figure out what was going on the firebox was completely filled with pellets.tweakbox appvalley

Was this just bad luck?
ETA: I was not opening the lid, I was monitoring the meat temp and grill temp with a ThermoPro TP08 so that I could just let it do its thing.
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Was your firebox clean of any ash from previous smoke? I had this happen twice to me on long cooks and the culprit was ash being generated during the cook. I use LumberJack which produces more ash than other brands, What brand were you using? Not sure if this was your problem but something to keep in mind.

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