Email for CEO


New member
Feb 23, 2025
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I have had nothing but problems with a $3700 timberlineXL I bought a year ago. It has been so bad they just sent me a NEW GRILL. Well guess what, 15 hours later I still can't hook it up to WIFI or even get it to connect to the induction cooktop. I can't take this grill anymore, I have requested a refund and all they do is put be up to another customer service person, I must have spent 10+ hours on the phone with this company. Does anyone have the email to the CEO, because their quality control and customer service is in the toilet right now. Thanks so much
I suspect you won't want to here this, but If you are having similar problems with two specimens of the same grill, it is unlikely that both are defective. It is far more likely that you have done something wrong in the setup process.

You should have joined this forum a year ago, shortly after you purchased your grill and began to have issues. Perhaps, one of the users here would have been able to help you get these problems sorted.

This forum, while named "Traeger" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Traeger Corporation that designed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed your grill. We are a group of users who are using Traeger appliances to produce some tasty foodstuffs. Most of us have had issues from time to time and help each other work through those issues.

An email to the president of Traeger is not likely to have any effect. You are much more likely to have an impact if you send a letter. The address is:

Office of the President
533 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Setting up the WiFi connection on your Traeger grill is not difficult, but there are some technical issues that have stumped many users. There are several threads about these problems; the vast majority were resolved successfully with the help of other users.

1. Your cell phone must be connected to a 2.4 gHz WiFi channel on your router. Generally, phones will automatically connect to a faster 5 gHz channel. You must force your phone to use 2.4 gHz by disabling 5 gHz and 6 gHz if available. Only then will the connection work.

2. You must then turn on the Traeger and connect it to your cell phone using Bluetooth mode. If you do not see the pairing of your phone to BT, turn off BT on your phone and turn it back on; it should connect.

3. In the Traeger app provide the proper 2.4 gHz WiFi SSID and password for your router to allow it to connect. Please note that the Traeger must be located within range of your router. I have a brick fireplace in direct line of sight between the grill and my router, so the connection can be spotty.

Try this procedure and see if you can get your grill to connect. It might save you the cost of a stamp.

If you need additional assistance, members of the forum will be glad to help.
An email to the president of Traeger is not likely to have any effect.

Depends very much on the company, some have an open policy re contacting senior management and some make it difficult which I always see as a reflection on the company itself. I had a big issue with Toyota and contacting the European CEO worked a treat so you just never know! :rolleyes:

Jeremy Andrus is the Traeger CEO but his email isn't immediately clear anywhere. Suggest emailing Traeger customer support asking for his email address by name stating you are a very dissatisfied customer and want to elevate your complaint, very often this will focus the mind of customer support rather than palming the customer off because as a CEO the first thing I would do is an audit of how the customer complaint has been handled to date!

General advise is always be polite, play to their ego's (the higher up people get generally the bigger their ego's!) and factual, lay out what the problem is / problems are and what you want done. A rant is rarely successful but you probably know all that! ;)

However RayClem does offer some very sound advice to avoid getting egg on you face notwithstanding it looks like there are other issues such as the induction hob which should work irrespective of WiFi?
It looks like the OP never returned to the forum to check for replies.
Write a letter. Anyone can, and will, send an email, hence having 249 emails in you INBOX by morning coffee break. And guess how many get attention.
A piece of paper, a polite but factual letter will get results 99.999% of the time. The .001% that didn't respond indicate "arrogant overpaid a%&hole head of arrogant profit-focused company" just couldn't give s##t about the customers.
Pardonez moi francais.
A piece of paper, a polite but factual letter will get results 99.999% of the time.

An interesting observation! :ROFLMAO: I would respectfully suggest that no method of communication be it email, letter, phone or even carrier pigeon would have this degree of success. ;)

Nowadays customer service is generally not a patch on what it was historically notwithstanding there are still some good companies around, perhaps email does provide a better audit trail of how a company has stuck the proverbial two fingers up at you the customer though compared to phone calls, letters and carrier pigeon! :rolleyes:
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Thank you for replies. The first grill had hardware issue after hardware issue, I basically replaced 1/2 the grill and despite all that at the end the lid sensor still would not they sent a new grill. New grill does not have hardware issues, but will not connect to anything. The old grill had no issues connecting to our wifi after I did a few easy tech adjustments. The new one will not only NOT connect to wifi (and I have tried everything they recommend, and everything on this form multiple times), but it will also not connect to any bluetooth device (induction grill or the BT temp monitors it comes with). Clearly they sent me two lemons. I have spent close to 4K on a grill and now have the privileges over the last year of spending 40 hours of my time trying to get it to work. I have just asked for them to pick up their grill and give me a refund so I can move on with my life.
I have just asked for them to pick up their grill and give me a refund so I can move on with my life.

A very poor reflection on Traeger indeed, you deserve credit for being so patient and methodical in trying to fix the issues rather than just coming to the forum and rant about it.

I would be mightily hacked off as well, good luck with whatever alternative you decide on.
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Well I took apart the grill again and found that they sent me lemon. The antenna wire was NOT connected to the motherboard. I had been telling customer service over and over I thought this was the problem....anyway I jerry rigged it up and within 2minutes I had the grill connected to my Eero system and the induction grill. Man their quality control is crap for close to a 4K grill.
I am glad it was NOT your problem. I am sorry that it took so long to figure it out, in spite of the dubious help you got from Traeger support. I hope the rest of the grill is trouble free.
Well I took apart the grill again and found that they sent me lemon. The antenna wire was NOT connected to the motherboard. I had been telling customer service over and over I thought this was the problem....anyway I jerry rigged it up and within 2minutes I had the grill connected to my Eero system and the induction grill.

Well done! ;)