connect to wifi issues


New member
Jan 1, 2025
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ironwood xl
I have the treager IRONWOOD XL, and now I can't connect to my wifi, customer support sucks there doing nothing to help the situation
I also have a new Ironwood (not XL) that can’t download certificates. I’ve tried all the usual stuff including using a different phone, limiting to 2.4 GHz, creating a guest Wi-Fi network with a separate SSID, turning off cellular data and auto-join on iOS, moving an AP close to the grill, but nothing has worked. FWIW I have Unifi APs and a UDM-Pro gateway. The only thing I haven’t tried is an older router, which I may do this afternoon. Traeger support opened a ticket and said they’d email me when they have a fix, but gave no timeline. Moreover, all the threads on this “certificates” issue are 2+ years old. Not sure what to do except wait and see if there’s a fix. Highly disappointing.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I have only had my ironwood xl for a five days. Hooked up fine after I got it. Yesterday it kept saying offline in the app. I followed everything I could in the faq with no luck. Deleted the grill from my app and cleared the wifi network from my grill. Now it does everything says it connects to the network and tries to connect to the Traeger cloud. But it fails saying it cannot download certificates. I sent them a message from the contact section on their website. Sounds like the problem is on their end.
I’ve had a pro 34 for 7 years. Was excited to upgrade. It seemed awesome for two days now it’s looking like a disappointing experience with an expensive grill. Hopefully this isn’t an ongoing thing
For whatever it’s worth, I just tried an old router I happened to have on hand (turning off my primary UniFi network), and it worked! The new Ironwood connected to that network, downloaded certificates, and is now downloading updates. I can’t say everything is fixed yet, since this update is taking a while and I haven’t even done the first seasoning yet. I also don’t know what will happen when the update competes and I turn my UniFi network back on. But this is a big step forward. I’m not sure why this worked with an old router with its 5 GHz radios disabled (I made the same changes to my UniFi APs), but I’ll give it some thought. I’ll also report back once I’m a bit further in to report on progress.
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Interesting. Glad yours is working! I had mine connected to my eero mesh network previously. Worked great for 3 days lol. Now I can’t get it to work. Guess we’ll see what happens with mine.
Traeger called me back, and said it’s internal and that there working on it.
Same thing they told me. Makes me kinda happy it’s on their end. It seemed weird mine was working. Hopefully they get it fixed sooner than later.
Another quick update. After my Ironwood finally connected to the old router (which I had limited to 2.4 GHz and no clients other than the grill and my phone), and after it downloaded updates (which took ~20 minutes), I was able to reliably connect the grill to the Traeger app. Next, I turned off the old router and turned my primary UniFi network back on. Inexplicably, although I had limited my UniFi network's APs to 2.4 GHz, I still got the "couldn't save certificate" error. So I created a separate Wi-Fi network with UniFi's "Enhanced IoT Connectivity" setting enabled. This time, the grill was able to connect to that network, along with my phone, and everything worked normally. I even did a first cook with a small filet I had in the freezer.

I still can't explain why this worked, since my primary network automatically serves both the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. I also had all the "other stuff" turned off (e.g., firewalls, traffic/device identification, etc.). But that Enhanced IoT Connectivity setting seemed to work. The problem now is that I have a separate Wi-Fi network that is limited to 2.4 GHz by that setting, and the grill can only connect to that. I'll continue to experiment and see if I can find a setting in my primary network that is preventing the Ironwood from connecting to Traeger's servers and saving certificates. But this is working for now, and all I have to do is switch Wi-Fi networks on my phone when I want to smoke.

Interesting. Glad yours is working! I had mine connected to my eero mesh network previously. Worked great for 3 days lol. Now I can’t get it to work. Guess we’ll see what happens with mine.
You mentioned you are using a mesh network. Do your Eero settings allow you to lock your grill to the nearest AP, or can you try temporarily unplugging the other ones? I wonder if multi-AP features, like fast roaming, might be interfering. In my case, I was able to offer the IoT-enhanced/2.4 GHz network through a single AP, which seemed to help (even though I still have two SSIDs running in parallel until I figure out how to combine them).
Another quick update. After my Ironwood finally connected to the old router (which I had limited to 2.4 GHz and no clients other than the grill and my phone), and after it downloaded updates (which took ~20 minutes), I was able to reliably connect the grill to the Traeger app. Next, I turned off the old router and turned my primary UniFi network back on. Inexplicably, although I had limited my UniFi network's APs to 2.4 GHz, I still got the "couldn't save certificate" error. So I created a separate Wi-Fi network with UniFi's "Enhanced IoT Connectivity" setting enabled. This time, the grill was able to connect to that network, along with my phone, and everything worked normally. I even did a first cook with a small filet I had in the freezer.

I still can't explain why this worked, since my primary network automatically serves both the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. I also had all the "other stuff" turned off (e.g., firewalls, traffic/device identification, etc.). But that Enhanced IoT Connectivity setting seemed to work. The problem now is that I have a separate Wi-Fi network that is limited to 2.4 GHz by that setting, and the grill can only connect to that. I'll continue to experiment and see if I can find a setting in my primary network that is preventing the Ironwood from connecting to Traeger's servers and saving certificates. But this is working for now, and all I have to do is switch Wi-Fi networks on my phone when I want to smoke.

You mentioned you are using a mesh network. Do your Eero settings allow you to lock your grill to the nearest AP, or can you try temporarily unplugging the other ones? I wonder if multi-AP features, like fast roaming, might be interfering. In my case, I was able to offer the IoT-enhanced/2.4 GHz network through a single AP, which seemed to help (even though I still have two SSIDs running in parallel until I figure out how to combine them).
First time it connected just fine and worked for three days. I left the grill unplugged for a few days so thought that messed something up with the connection. I went and changed all the settings in the eero app to what the Traeger faq says and moved one of my mesh hubs into my garage right next to my grill then disabled the 5ghz network with eero while I tried to connect and still no go. I also tried making a separate 2.4ghz from my CenturyLink router just for the grill and that didn’t work. Traeger said it is on their end so idk I’ll try again tonight and see what happens
Interesting, thanks for the extra background; it's helpful to know. Sorry those extra steps including your own old router didn't work. I'm glad to know they're working on it, but without a timeline, I was hoping there'd be other ways to rig a setup that works in the interim. The wireless functionality is, to me, the primary draw of Traegers over most of the competition, so hopefully they get this resolved ASAP. If I think of anything else to try, or if I find a setting that lets me consolidate my separate 2.4 and 5 GHz networks, I'll report back.
No worries. I’m hoping it is just a Traeger cloud issue and they get it resolved semi quickly. Someone just commented on my intro thread that their timberline is doing the same thing and they’ve had it for 3 years
But I also agree the wifi is what really makes the grill worth the extra money. The few days it worked it was awesome! Lol
Well at least for now mine connected back to my network and is working. We’ll see how long that lasts. Hopefully it is just good to go.
First time it connected just fine and worked for three days. I left the grill unplugged for a few days so thought that messed something up with the connection. I went and changed all the settings in the eero app to what the Traeger faq says and moved one of my mesh hubs into my garage right next to my grill then disabled the 5ghz network with eero while I tried to connect and still no go. I also tried making a separate 2.4ghz from my CenturyLink router just for the grill and that didn’t work. Traeger said it is on their end so idk I’ll try again tonight and see what happens
I am not using a mesh network. Waiting on Traeger to notify me when it’s resolved.
have you tried yesterday or today? I was able to get mine to connect and another forum member who was having issues got his to connect as well. I will be cooking with it tonight. I’ll let you know if it works tonight

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