Brisket time.


Active member
Feb 23, 2022
Reaction score
College Station, Texas
Century 885 D2
Got a packer brisket at Costco the other day.

Needed a trim.

Rub on and in the fridge for 24 hours.

Fat side up at around 7:30PM.

Early temp returns.

More tomorrow. Won't open the pit until tomorrow morning. If you're looking you ain't cooking.
Oh and as to the rub. I use a little SBR as a binder followed by coarse black pepper. Then Kosher salt. This time I tried a light dusting of sweet mesquite seasoning from Cosco (Kirkland). Saw it and decided to give it a try. Has a fairly strong smoky taste so I went pretty light on it. We shall see. I'm always experimenting.
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6AM and wrapped. Been in a stall since around 4:30. As I said above I'm always experimenting. Gonna try wrapping until it hits the 195 mark then unwrap and let it go to IT of 200 or so to crisp up the bark a little. I don't care for the soft bark I tend to get when wrapped. We shall see.
Around 9 I unwrapped it and put it back on the pit to finish. Temp is about 195 now. Going to take it to between 200 and 205. Then a very light wrap in paper and a towel and into a cooler for a couple of hours to rest. Want to crisp up the bark a little.

Done and done. I was extremely happy with the way it turned out. Bark really hardened up nicely after unwrapping. Flavor was excellent although I didn't really get much mesquite flavor. I'll put a little more on next time. Very tender and very moist. Really have no complaints. 16 hour cook time. Top IT was 203. Rested for about 2 hours in an ice chest.



Nice job tom... very nice
SBR as a binder

Silicone Butyl Rubber as a binder, can't go wrong there... that stuff works great for anything sticking to it.

Great job. It sounds like they won't be running you out of Texas anytime soon. ;)

I have not done a brisket as it is way too much meat for my wife and I. However, I do pork butts, chuck steak, etc. If I am trying to reach 205 F +/-, I have found it best to leave it wrapped until the final internal temperature is reached. When you unwrap the protein, the internal temperature tends to drop as moisture evaporates from the unwrapped meat. Thus, I just leave it wrapped until I hit 205 F. If I want to crisp the bark, I can put it back on the grill unwrapped to do that. The bark will firm up, but it will take a while before the internal temp starts to rise again. It is like a second stall. If you have enough time, you can unwrap earlier, but the surface of the meat has to dry out before you will increase the internal temp; that can take a while.