Brisket rub question


New member
Mar 31, 2022
Reaction score
Silverton 620
Hi all. My name is Paul I’m new here to the forum. Recently got a Silverton 620 and sm getting ready to cook my second brisket. First one wasn’t as flavourful as I would have liked. Most videos on YouTube recommend seasoning 30-60 min before putting the meat in the grill. I’ve read other places that seasoning 8-24 hours before is ideal for the rub to get deeper into the meat. What are most of you doing? It seems the salt would dehydrate the meat if applied too far in advance. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
A 24-hour rub of black pepper, garlic, and Lowery's seasoned salt. Sometimes I add paprika.
It's ok to go heavy on your rub for this meat. I have done salt / pepper 1:1 ratio, I also done rubs including injections. What I would suggest is taking notes so that it can help you improve as you cook more.
I've done the basic SPG (salt, pepper, garlic) as well as some pre-made rubs, and I can't tell you what you should use as that is a personal thing, but I can tell you that because a brisket is a big piece of meat, you need a pretty heavy coating of whatever you choose. I've done the 24 hour as well as the 30 minute route and didn't notice much difference here.

Bottom line: try different approaches and seasonings until you find your perfect mix. Enjoy the journey!
There is a great video from the Bearded Butcher’s website where they cook a brisket on a Traeger and another on a Green Egg. Spoiler…both turn out great! I use their Traeger recipe with the Black seasoning. I have never had a bad brisket since following their lead! Good luck!